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"The truth can't be hidden"



"Mia, how's yesterday, how's Jimin?" Jack asked me while

"Tae , do you know how rude your friend is?"I said. I placed the tea at our coffe table and sat beside Taehyung, he's here at my mom's house.

"Did you know that he cancelled the photoshoot just because he's sleepy? God! Taehyung, I've cancelled a photoshoot just because of him and I..---"  I then realized that Taehyung is frowning because I'm raising my voice at him. "...I'm.....sorry, it's not your fault okay? Can you smile now? Please" I pouted. He laughed.

"Babe, I'm so sorry, I'll talk to him later" he then kissed my forhead. "See you tomorrow babe bye" said, then leave the house.

"Hari-ah!" Wait-- who's that? That sounds like..

"Namjoon oppa!" I quickly get up from the couch and hugged him. Wahh, it's been a year already and his face never changed haha.. he's my older brother, Namjoon.

"Oh, Namjoon, why are you so late? I told you to be here at 2, it's already 6! Do you know how worried I was?--" Oppa and I glanced to each other, mom's blabbering again.

"--I thought your plane crashed or something! Why are you not calling huh? Look at your phone there's exactly 22 missed calls!  Where did you go? To clubs huh?" Finally, mom's blabbering has come into an end. She's worried about Namjoon. 

"Omma, my flight was delayed that's why I came late, dont worry about me huh?" Namjoon hugged mom, I find it really cute dou haha

"Yah! Are you fool? How can I not worry about you? You're my son!" Then mom started crying. She's really emotional sometimes.

"I'm hungry, let's eat outs-- wait, oppa! Where's the Kimchi that you promised?" I'm really looking forward to his promise that he'll bring kimchi here since I haven't been to Korea since the accident happened that made me loose my memory.

"I have it at my suitcase, I'll get it for you" then Namjoon rushed into his suitcase to get the Kimchi.

Namjoon brought  this really big tupperware to the dinning table. "Wow.., why so big?"

"It's because I want you to taste Korea a LOT hahaha.." Then, he opened the huge tupperware and inside it is these leaves with red paste in it.  Wow.. it smells so good..  Then I took the chopsticks (namjoon did bring chopsticks lol) and taste KOREA.. Wow.. so good..

The kimchi is so good that I even closed my eyes between every bite. But one moment I closed my eyes, I saw this boy, laughing with me.. my head hurts... I'm sure that I didn't know who that boy is, he's not Taehyung, and not Namjoon, it's not even Ron.. then who is he? The image is very clear for half a second. But I don't know who he is..


I opened my eyes, I saw white walls and everything. Must be in the hospital again.

"Liah you're awake" Taehyung said as he touched my forhead. I feel safe.

The last time I remembered I was just eating kimchi with Mom and Namjoon, what the-- I fainted?

"Omma, the doctor says it's not about the food, it's not food poisoning" Namjoon said while walking towards mom.

"It's better then" mom sighed in relief.

"Oppa, I'm really sorry. Please don't worry about me" I said.

"What did you remember again?"Taehyung whisphed into my ear.

"It's a boy, with white or silver hair, it's not you, not Namjoon, and not Ron. Who can it be?" Then Mom and Taehyung looked at each other. What are they hiding something?

"Hari, w-what about the face?" Mom asked nervously.

"It's all blurred, so all I can noticed about is his white silver hair" I said. Trying to recall that dream.

"Mom, is there someone you didn't tell me about?"

"Of course none dear" Mom stood up from the couch and and come near my bead. "I'll never hide from you Hari" she reassured and  caressed my forhead.

Namjoon quietly left the room.

"So who is it? Who's that guy?" I faced Taehyung

"Liah, we don't know anyone with white hair that's related to you" Taehyung held my hand, and sit at the side of my bed, he looked sincere so I believed him. I think it's just Taehyung that I can fully trust in this world.

But I'm still confused, why would I remember someone just by eating Kimchi? And the fact that mom and Taehyung doesn't even know who that person is.... are they lying to me or did I have a secret affair back then?


Hey luvs! Stay tuned till the next chapter! (Although I'm guilty for the slow updates im sorry)

Caught in a lie · pjmTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon