Day 2: Cuddling

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Aww man! Im late! Lol sorry guys, i went out and got back late so my udate it late. I cant promise this will be very good but i will try my best. Thanks for reading y'all!!😄😄

You and Raph were in the lair doing your own activities. You were drawing to pass time while Raph was punching the dummy.

Him amd Leo had gotten into an argument and he was still steamed about it.
You left him alone knowing he needed to cool off a little but you didnt know it was about a sensitive topic, you.

Leo had gotten angry because Raph was always with you and knd of ignoring his duties.

It wasnt true but Leo had a crush on you so he made up any excuse to get Raph away from you even though he knew you two were dating.

You didnt know how bad the crush was but you knew about it. You even extreme friend-zoned him but he still kept at it. He is one of the most stubborn people you know, except your Raph of course.

You finally finished your drawing and put your notebook away.

(Without the color)

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(Without the color)

You then went to Raph and pulled him away from the dummy. "Look, i know Leo ticked you off but when is Leo ever right when you two argue?" You ask him.

"Hardly ever." He answered. "Exactly. So stop getting so worked up over it." You say calmly as you put your hand on his shoulder.

"But Y/n-" he attempted to say. You cut him off by putting your finger over his lips. "Hush now. It's ok." You say.

He gives a small smile. "What did i do to deserve you?" He asks hugging you.

"Nothing. You're just an awesome and sweet turtle who acts tough but is a big softy." You say smiling.

He chuckles and picks you up and sits on the couch with you on his lap and his arms wrapped around you.

You wrap your arms around his neck and lay your head on his chest and you both watch the tv enjoying being in each others presence.

I know its short please dont hate me. I didnt really know what to do with this one so i made it up like just now. Lol.
I hope you liked it my little bunnies. (Yes that is your new nickname)
See ya tomorrow...or much later today...😂

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