Day 3: Patching him up and watching a movie

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Hey guys, i have like 3 templates for this challenge so im merging 2 together. It should also turn put much longer than the others so i hope you enjoy😊
Raph came back from patrol with his brothers holding his bicep. He had a huge scrape on it like it was scraped against gravel with extreme force.

You quickly got up and got a first aid kit from Donnie's lab. You then led Raph to the couch. He had no other injuries, and you have first aid knowledge, so you decided to deal with Raph as Donnie dealt with his, Leo's and Mikey's injuries.

You took the peroxide and poured it on a cotton ball and lightly dabbed the flesh. He hissed in pain as the cotton ball made contact with his raw flesh. "Sorry." You apologized as you kept cleaning the wound.

You put some neosporin on the wound and wrapped it up. "Thanks Y/n." He said with a smile. "Welcome hothead." You replied returning his smile.

He chuckled his deep smooth chuckle and you got shivers that ran down your spine. His voice was so deep and sexy you just couldnt stand it. You blushed softly as you put everything away.

"Hey bunny?" He calls to you. You smile at your nickname and turn around. "Yeah?" You amswer. "Want to watch a movie with me?" He asks

"Yeah! Sure! Give me a sec and I'll make popcorn. Pick a movie." You said as you go to the kitchen and get the popcorn.

Raph looked at the movie selection and chose a scary movie. He loved the way you jumped and held onto him while you watch scary movies.

The popcorn finished popping and you came out with the bowl of the buttery snack and a 2 liter of coke and 2 glasses. Your job as a waitress paid off sometimes. It gave you good tip and good balance.

You set the snacks down on the table and Raph plays the movie. You snuggle up to him and munch on the popcorn.

The movie was getting really intense and scary and you were clinging to Raph's good arm. Just then the doll apleared on the screen all bloody and hding a large blood covered knife. You scream quietly and hide your face in his plastron. He laughs quietly at your reaction and hugs you close.

"Can we please watch something else?" You mumble, your face still hidden. "Sure." He said. He put on a much more docile movie that wouldnt scare you to death.

You both cuddled back up to each other and watch the romantic drama. You fall asleep about half way through the movie snoring lightly.

"Goodnight Y/n. I love you." He whispered pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and laying his head back falling asleep as well.

AYE!!!!!! #3 DONE!!! I hoped you liked it guys!!!

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