Day 7: Cosplaying

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A/N: Hey bunnies!!! Im so sorry for not updating in for like, ever but i got really busy! I feel bad for not updating. Sorry my bunnies. I hope you like this chapter! And school starts tomorrow so i may not update very often.

(Note: this may turn out to be more of like a Halloween part instead of cosplay. But oh well. Lol)

"Raphie! What are you going to be for Halloween?" You ask your red clad turtle. Halloween was only a week away.

"Nothing. We dont do anything for Halloween." He replied.

"Well that's not going to cut it. We're doing something! I know the perfect costumes!!!!" You squeal smiling as an idea popped into your head. You then ran to master Splinter.

"Master Splinter?" You say kneeling in front of him.

"Yes child?" He answers. "May i throw a Halloween party?" You ask him.

"I dont believe that would be a problem." He told you. "YES!!!" You cheer happily.

You run out of the lair and to a costume store. You had the perfect costumes for them.

~time skip brought to you by Raph's hot smirk~

"Nope. Not gonna happen." Raph said. Ypu were showing him the Batman costume you had found. You had a batgirl costume on so you two would kinda match. "Please!!" You begged him.

"Y/N i already told you no." He said. You gave him your puppy eyes and pouty lip. "Pwease Waphie!" You begged with a little kid voice.

He sighed. He couldnt say no to such an adorable face. "Fine. I'll do it." He said taking the costume.

"YAY!!!" You cheered as you kissed his cheek. "I better get something good outta this." He said. "Oh you will Raphie." You said winking as you walked out of his room to get everything set up.

~Another time skip brought to you by Raph in a batman suit~

Everything was now set up and you were changed into your costume. Mikey, Don, and Leo walked out first.

Mikey was in a pizza costume. He loved the idea of being his favorite food.

Donnie was in the vampire outfit you got him he 'accidentally' matched April

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Donnie was in the vampire outfit you got him he 'accidentally' matched April. You secretly shipped them.

(That's basically what donnie looks like)

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(That's basically what donnie looks like)

(That's basically what donnie looks like)

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(That's april's costume)

Leo came out in a spacesuit. You trued to get a captain Ryan costume but they didnt have any so a spacesuit was the next best thing

 You trued to get a captain Ryan costume but they didnt have any so a spacesuit was the next best thing

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You went to go get Raph who still didnt come out. "Raphie?" You said knocking on his door.

"I dont want to come out. I look ridiculous." He said. "I doubt you look as ridiculous as Mikey. Please come out." You said.

There was a moment of silence before the doorknob wiggled and the door opened revealing a mighty sexy Raph. You blushed softly amd bit your lip not looking away making Raph blush under your gaze.

He cleared his throat and you looked away. "Sorry, you just look really hot." You said quietly making him blush more.

April amd Casey were already there. "Well love birds. Are we going to party or stare at each other?" April asks

"I wouldnt mind staring at a sight like this." Casey said looking at April. Donnie had nodded in agreement gaxing at April as well.

You giggled at your friends and took Raph's hand leading him to the living room. You turned on some Halloween music and began to dance. Even Splinter came out to enjoy the party.

It had been about 3 hours now and you were all dancing, eating and chatting happily when Raph pulled you aside. "I didnt get to tell you how sexy you looked in your costume." He whispered in your ear.

You blushed and bit your lip. "It would look even sexier on your bedroom floor." You wgispered back looking at him with a glint in your eye.

"They can do without us for a little while." He whispered, his voice deeper as he lead you by hand to his room. As soon as he closed the door he pushed you against the wall gently and smashed his lips into yours, his hands on your waist.

You moaned quietly and wrapped your arms around his neck as he started to undo ypur costume.

You two spent the rest of the night in his room.

A/N: There ya go guys i finally updated. Lol. This turned more into a party than cosplay but oh well. I still think it was ok. I hope ypu liked it because i wrote it at 2:30 am. Lol. And sorry, i couldnt find Raph in a batman suit. Lol. See ya next update bunnies!!!

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