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Here on Earth, also known as Earth One to some.. It's home to some pretty well known and mighty heroes. The Flash is one of the many heroes on this planet, fighting crime against criminals and meta-humans around the world. Captain Cold, The Reverse Flash and Zoom, they were just three of The Flash's worst enemies he had ever faced on his world.

Although he is outnumbered by the population of villains and criminals in the city, he still finds time to take every single one down like the hero he is..

But the list of villains and heroes on Earth One can go on for ages.

With his abilities, The Flash can accomplish many things. time travel, super speed, regenerative healing and much more. He is one of a kind on his world.

But he's not the only super powered person in the galaxy, or even in the universe..

Earth One - Barry Allen's POV

My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive.. When I was a child I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder, then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world I'm an ordinary forensic scientist but secretly I use my speed to fight crime and find other meta-humans like me. I found the man who killed my mother but in doing so, I opened up this world to new threats like Zoom, the man who killed my father. Now I have justice for both my parents and I'm faced with new problems only I can fix. My team, my friends, they cant help me this time. I'm on my own..

My normal day used to consist of running around Central City and catching bad guys with the help of my friends, but ever since Zoom took away the last family I had, things changed quickly. I separated myself from my friends, my team. They want to help but they can't. Not this time..

Zoom is dead and I still feel empty inside, broken.

There's only one thing that will take away that pain. All I want is to have my family back but that means I'd have to time travel.

If I go back in time and change my past, I can save my parents, I can get the life I always wanted.. the life that was taken from me.

But that means I'll have to leave behind my friends, the people who risked their lives for me, helped me no matter what. will it be worth it?

It has to be..

I finally decided to do it.

I decided to go back in time and change my past, my life.. I haven't said my goodbyes to my friends yet, I wouldn't want to worry them. they'd try to stop me, convince me to reconsider but I cant.

It's better this way.

As I stood on the streets of Central City, preparing myself for what lies ahead, the thoughts and memories of my friends and even enemies filled in my head. I've grown so attached to some and so used to fighting others, it's strong feeling I cant seem to let go, but I know I have to whether I like it or not.

But it was time to go..

So, I gathered all my energy I had and focused it all into my speed before I took my first step.

Leaping forward with all of the speed I had, I made my way down the streets of Central City at top speed. As I ran, I could see car windows shattering and alarms going off around me. It was working.

The black hole formed in front of me as I quickly ran into it, disappearing just as fast as it came. The first step was done, now all I had to do was concentrate on the place and time I wanted to go.. and not get distracted by the things I'd see while in the speed force.

But it was a struggle not to.

The things I saw while in the speed force had me lost for words. I saw things I couldn't explain, things that could only be described as meta-humans or something Cisco would make in his lab.

Without realizing it, I found myself thinking too much about those things I saw while in the speed force. I started to focus on those things more than the memory I wanted to fix, and I didn't even realize it.

In a flash I was out of the speed force but I wasn't in my childhood neighborhood, or even Central City. 

This couldn't be good..

"Where am I?" I asked myself confused and out of breath.

The place I traveled to looked similar to my Earth, the architecture was similar and the street names seemed correct but there was no telling for sure where I really was.

I tried contacting Cisco on the com but there was nothing but static. That wasn't a good sign, either the com line was down, or I made a mistake in the speed force and ran somewhere I shouldn't have.

This was definitely not good..

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