Chapter 2: Surprises

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(3rd POV)

The night was dreadful for Barry, he couldn't get a minute of sleep, spending all night worrying about the worst day of his life.

How could he have possibly messed this up? It should've been so simple yet it only took less than a minute to cause the damage.

It was almost ten in the morning when Barry finally decided to get out of bed. His energy was back and he managed to eat enough food from the crappy breakfast buffet at the hotel to keep him energized for the day.

Today was the day.

As Barry left the motel, he slipped his mask back on and began running to Stark Tower. The journey was quick thanks to Barry's abilities but of course without the guidance of Cisco, he found himself getting lost a few times.

He sure missed his friends, his team..

Within minutes, Barry arrived at Stark Tower. The building was huge, taller than any building in Central City.

But the building was heavily guarded. Security was everywhere, Barry wasnt sure how on Earth he'd be able to just walk up there and ask to see Stark. No, he'd have to cheat and use his powers, it was the fastest way.

So, in the blink of an eye, Barry ran inside, past all of the guards. He might've been fast but the motion detectors on all of the guarded doors still managed to go off when he ran through.

As Barry ran throughout the building, searching for Tony or any of the other members or the Avengers, he began to realize how similar Tony Stark's tech really was to Star Lab's. It was slowly giving hope back to Barry as he continued to search around.

But he had another problem to worry about. If Barry isn't quick enough to find Tony and explain his situation, he could risk getting caught and detained. There was no time for that possibility.

Without Cisco guiding him over the phone, it was beginning to be difficult to find Tony Starks office or even lab. The building was too big to search on his own as he continued to get lost, making wrong turns every few seconds.

The building seemed like a maze to Barry but he wasn't giving up on hope just yet..

Minutes passed as Barry continued to run throughout the building, searching every room, every hall. He was beginning to run out of rooms to check until he reached the very top floor.

Connecting to the hanger on the top of the tower was the Lab Barry had been searching for.

"This is it.. Finally" Barry mumbled to himself as he stopped at the Lab door. As he examined the door quickly, he noticed there was a high tech security device guarding the it.

He needed either a finger print or a key card which he had neither of..

'Maybe I could phase through the door?' Barry thought.

As he gathered his strength and energy, focusing on the door he wanted to phase through, Barry made his first attempt and succeeded.

Using his speed to vibrate his molecules enough, Barry passed through the locked door and quickly made it through to the other side. A weird feeling but none the less, it worked.

After he entered the room, Barry looked around in awe. The tech was amazing, more state of the art than anything he ever saw before.

Never before had Barry seen such a futuristic lab quite like this.. Even Star Labs couldn't top this.

But as Barry was lost in his own geek world, gazing upon all of the technology, he failed to notice Tony fly into the room quickly while wearing his suit.

It only took Tony one look at Barry to tell he was anything but normal.

"Alright freeze, kid" Tony spoke up, snapping Barry out of his daze "you got some explaining to do.."

Barry's first instinct was to run but he knew he had to stay and explain his situation to Tony.

"Okay.. okay" Barry nodded, raising his arms signaling his surrender "I just came to talk.." He replied.

"To talk huh? Who are you kid?" Tony asked while stepping closer, still remaining in his Iron Man suit.

"My name's The Flash" "yeah nice try now what's your real name?" Tony asked showing no interest in stalling.

Barry was reluctant to revealing his secret identity but he figured since Tony was the only one in the lab, being a hero as well, he could trust him.

"My name is Barry Allen.." He explained to Tony.

"Barry, huh? Alright, Jarvis do a check on everything with the name 'Barry Allen' please" Tony spoke outloud which confused Barry since they were the only two in the room.

Barry was about to ask who he was speaking to until a voice emerged from inside the room, startling him for a split second.

"Sir I have found no evidence of an existing 'Barry Allen' in the past or present" the voice said, speaking to Tony.

"Thanks Jarvis.. So kid, mind telling me your real name? Third times a charm before I charge ya for breaking & entering.."

Barry shook his head quickly, struggling to come up with a way to explain to Tony.

"That is my real name! You just wont find anything about me because I'm not from here.." He explained quickly "I'm a meta-human from another world, I ended up here by mistake and now I cant get back! I swear.."

"An enhanced from another world, huh? You expect me to believe that without any proof?" Tony asked while crossing his arms "you can't sneak anything past me.."

Barry sighed "I'm not trying anything I just need your help.. You seem smart enough and you got all the tech" he replied "just give me a chance?"

Tony groaned under his mask, he was  never one for listening or taking orders but the kid intrigued him. After all, he wanted to know how Barry managed to get past all of the security in Stark Tower.

"Alright fine, ya got five minutes.. But that doesn't start till the others get here" "the others?" Barry asked in reply.

Tony nodded "yeah kid, The other Avengers. I'm not going through this headache alone.."

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