Chapter 4: Greetings

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As Barry waited for the other Avengers to come, his mind couldn't help but wander.

What kind of powers do the others have?

Are there any of his friend's doppelgangers here on this Earth?

The minutes they spent waiting felt like hours to Barry.

Steve walked over to Barry and put his hand on his shoulder "ease up, kid. They'll be here here any minute.."

Barry nodded, the anticipation was surely killing him but he knew he had to be patient.

"So who else is on your team?" He asked, curiously.

"Well" Clint said, walking over "there's Wanda, Bruce, Vision.."

Steve nodded "but they also go by Scarlett Witch, and Hulk" "and Vision is well, Vision" Tony added.

Barry nodded, he was surprised at how similar their world's were. Both had superhero teams but theirs didn't result from a particle accelerator explosion.

"So how did you all get your powers?"

"Well Barry, some of us got our abilities in different ways.. And some like Tony don't have any" "thanks for rubbing it in" Tony replied sarcastically to Steve.

Steve ignored his comment and continued on "your abilities might have resulted from an accident but most of us experienced it differently.."

"Like how?" Barry asked curiously, but he could tell it was a touchy subject.

"Well.. Some were subjected to experiments, like me for example" Steve replied "but it was a long, long time ago.."

Barry nodded in reply, he didn't want to offend anyone by continuing to pry into their lives.

Right as they finished chatting, three other people walked in the room grabbing Barry's attention.

"Ah finally, Allen that's Wanda, Bruce and Vision.." Tony spoke up while pointing to each of them "guys this is Barry."

"Greetings Mr. Allen" Vision walked over, shaking his hand as he spoke.

Vision seemed to remind Barry alot of Dr. Well's AR called Gideon but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Tony interrupted, glancing around the room at the others "We seem to be missing someone, where is the little torch?" "Firestorm will be joining us later, she's running some errands for Fury.." Wanda replied. Tony nodded and quickly averted his attention back to Barry, they didn't seem to want to divulge any more information on whoever their Firestorm was..

"So Barry what brings you to us? Or what made Tony bring you?" Bruce asked as he walked over as well.

They all seemed to have noticed Barry's suit, the three knew he wasn't just some stranger here for a tour..

Tony smirked, almost as if he was enjoying this "Well Barry seemed to have gotten into some trouble with his abilities and found himself stuck here.."

"If he's stuck here why don't you just send him back home in one of your fancy jets?" Wanda asked but Tony shook his head "not that kind of stuck" he replied.

Bruce raised a brow "what do you mean?"

"Well our new friend here is an enhanced that screwed up a time travel session he recently had.."

Bruce and Wanda's expression quickly changed from confused to surprised.

"Wait? Time travel? How is that possible.. Time travel hasn't even been theoretically proven yet" Bruce asked Tony but even he didn't have an answer.

Tony shrugged "The kid has powers and is apparently from another parallel Earth like ours.. Which is why we're going to try to learn as much as we cam about him and his powers before we help him get back home.."

Bruce nodded with the others, Barry was surprised how easy it was for them to trust and even help him.

"Don't worry Barry I'm sure we'll come up with something to help you get home" Bruce said to him with a reassuring smile while Tony nodded "but until then you can stay here with the team, there's plenty of room.."

Barry nodded. They sure were nice people.

"Thank you guys, if there's anything I can do to help with to return the favor.." "That won't be necessary kid, but I'm sure Bruce would love to run some tests to see what makes you tick" Tony replied.

"Yeah sure" Barry nodded. He knew this was going to be a long, but interesting day.

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