Chapter 7: Reverse

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"Just a lap? That's all?" Barry joked. 

The team seemed skeptical of all of this. This topic seemed a lot bigger than Barry was making it out to be.

"And are you sure there won't be any repercussions from messing around on this Earth?" Bruce asked.

Barry shook his head "No trust me, when I traveled to Supergirls Earth once, I was there for almost a week- and when I got back, to my friends it was only seconds I was gone."

This only raised more questions for Bruce "Supergirl?"

Barry just nodded "She's an alien, but she lives on a different parallel Earth like ours-"

"Okay, okay- you're losing us again" 

"Infinite Earths- Infinite realities" Barry attempted to explain easier for the scientist. 

Bruce shared a glance with Tony, he took his glasses off momentarily, trying to do some calculations in his head. Tony must've done the same.

"And you said doppelgangers are a thing too?" Tony asked, he seemed to be taking mental note.

Barry nodded "Technically yes, every Earth has a Barry Allen and even a Tony Stark-"

As Barry tried to further explain, an alarm began to blare throughout the facility, while Tony's watch turned on, a woman's voice emitted from it.

'Mr. Stark we have a problem-'

"What's up Friday?" Tony asked only to get another notification on his watch.

"Kid, you're coming with me" Tony groaned, whatever he saw on his watch seemed to grab his attention.

"Why? What's going on?" Barry asked.

Tony motioned his hand for Barry to follow, pointing to the door.

"This sounds like it's more of a you problem, so now you get to help-"

"Why me?" "Because whatever's here might be from your Earth-"

Barry's eyes widened, if someone did follow from his Earth, it could be anyone. His team? His enemies?

Barry quickly changed into his suit without a seconds thought, he quickly sped outside only to realize he'd have to wait for Tony. Being a speedster had it's disadvantages.

But as Barry waited for Tony to come outside, He glanced around the rural area that was their Headquarters. He quickly noticed something was off.

"If there was a breech, where'd it go?" Barry asked himself in a mutter. His heart rate began to elevate as he turned his attention to a figure in the distance, pacing themselves towards him quickly.

His eyes tried to adjust to the figure as they walked close, he kept his mask on, expecting anyone at this point. But as the figure took more bigger steps, Barry's mind quickly matched the face with the name.

"How-" Barry muttered. 

The person now coming at least twenty feet in front of him, revealed themselves to be person Barry so hated the most. Eobard Thawn, or as Barry was familiar with. The Reverse Flash.

"How'd you get here? How are you even still alive?" Barry began to yell, his voice rang with hatred. 

Barry almost wished he killed Thawn when he last had the chance, more his morals always got in the way.

"How many times must we go over this Barry? You'll never be faster than me" Thawn chimed, his voice only made Barry's blood boil more.

"Always three steps ahead remember- Oh and I brought some new friends this time" Thawn added "Well, new to me- But you shouldn't have any problems recognizing them-"

Barry clenched his fists into tight balls, his temper was boiling over as Tony finally made his way outside, seeming to be under dressed for the occasion.

"What did you do, Thawn?" Barry asked only to earn a chuckle from him in response.

"If I tell you now, where's the fun in that?"

Thawn glanced at Tony as he stood behind Barry, probably confused to the situation in front of him. More friends of Barry's most likely. 

"To me- You've all been dead for centuries.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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