Chapter 5: Web-Head

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The rest of the day was nothing but interesting to Barry Allen, after Tony gave him the grand tour of Avengers headquarters he was plagued with Barry's persistent questions.

"So how did the others get their powers?" Barry asked as he tried to keep up with Tony's pase as he continued to walk throughout the building.

Tony rubbed his temples and took off his glasses "they all got their abilities in different ways, I wouldn't want to bore you with the details.." He replied but Barry shook his head quickly "I wouldn't mind actually" "oh, what I actually meant was that I dont have the energy to go into details.." Tony smirked a bit before walking ahead even more.

As they walked back to the lounge, Tony quickly felt relief seeing the ones they call Firestorm and Spider-Man on this Earth.

"Thank god.." Tony mumbled under his breath as he walked in "Barry I'd like you to meet some other soon to be Avenger members, guys introduce yourself.. please" he said while leading Barry over to them.

The first nodded with a wave.

"Hey, I'm Spider-Man.."

"And your real name kid, don't be shy" Tony interrupted.

"Right, my name's Peter" he replied.

The other walked over beside Peter and spoke next "I'm Lana, they call me Firestorm here."

"So you're Firestorm?" Barry asked with a slight look of surprise on his face.

Barry was definitely a little shocked. He wasn't respecting their Firestorm to be so young, or even a girl. Even the Spider-Man guy seemed as young as her.

The girl nodded "yeah, why? What did Tony say?" She asked quickly but he shook his head "nothing, it's just that.. where I come from, I knew another Firestorm like you" Barry replied, easing the girls sudden suspicious.

"And where do you come from?" Peter asked.

Barry exhaled as Tony went over to his alcohol stash "you can handle this, I need a drink.."

"Thanks.." Barry nodded, also exhausted from explaining his side of the story over and over again.

After what seemed like an eternity to him, was actually minutes for Peter and Lana.

The girl seemed interested, but not as much as Peter did. Just like Barry did to Tony, the questions kept on coming from him.

"So wait? Is there any Spider-Man guys on your Earth?" Peter asked but was quickly disappointed when Barry said no.

"Aw man, so you basically have your own Iron Man and Firestorm on your Earth but no Spidey?"

Barry chuckled but shook his head again "sorry but no, the metas on my Earth have some pretty crazy powers but I haven't seen any wall crawlers yet" he replied.

"Yeah well I'm betting our world is a whole lot more hectic than yours right now" "you'd be surprised" Barry nodded.

As they were talking, Tony walked bacl into the room, holding one of his favorite drinks. Everyone's attentions turned to him.

"Ah I see you two got along quickly. Good, you two seem alot alike" Tony smirked "also, Barry will be staying here with us until we figure out a way to send him back home."

Peter nodded, seeming excited by that "how long do you think he'll be staying here?"

Tony shrugged "I don't know kid, it sounds like we have our work cut out for us.."

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