Chapter 1: Misguided

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(3rd POV)

What felt like an eternity to Barry, was actually minutes in reality. It only took two minutes for Barry to get off course while he was in the speed force, and now he's trapped in god knows where..

When Barry first exited the speed force, he noticed he was in different city. It was night time which made it even more difficult to figure out where he was.

The city he was in looked modern, like it was from this year.

"Maybe I didnt screw up that bad after all.." Barry mumbled to himself as he continued to look around his surroundings.

Barry was trying to go back and save his mother nearly seventeen years ago but with his mistake, who knows where he is, or what year he's in.

So, deciding to get answers, Barry ran to the nearest news stand and grabbed one from the shelves.

The date on the newspaper looked different than any style Barry has ever seen in Central City.

The Daily Bugle - April 17th, 2017

"I've never heard of a newspaper company called that before" Barry said to himself as he examined the pages.

Even the names on the paper didn't ring a bell. Nothing was recognizable except the names of the cities and states. Barry was clueless at this point..

But as Barry continued to read more pages of the newspaper, he noticed a few odd articles.

One read:

'Tony Stark and his team saved the city again with his futuristic technology and the heroic powers of his colleagues.'

But as Barry continued to read the other articles, he noticed the man's name was mentioned again and again..

'Tony Stark; member of The Avengers, donated both some of his time and money to help the less fortunate after The War of New York months prior..'

'Avengers member; Hulk, is yet again no where to be found after The War of New York while other Avenger members stay silent about his whereabouts..'

'New members; Scarlet Witch and Firestorm are welcomed into The Avengers Team while citizens of New York are doubtful of the team's choices..'

The articles continued on and on about The Avengers, they sparked an interest in Barry but what caught his attention the most in the last article was the name 'Firestorm'.

Back home, Firestorm was the name of his two close friends who were both burdened and gifted with metahuman nuclear powers. But it couldn't possibly be them, this wasn't the Earth remembered..

"Maybe if I try to find Star Labs I can get help from either Cisco or.. even Dr. Wells" Barry said to himself once again, he was beginning to realize how difficult this was becoming.

Quickly Barry ran to where he thought Central City would be but when he arrived at the border, he noticed the signs read something completely different.

Instead of saying Central City, the signs read Cincinnati, Cleveland, and others except his home which shocked him even more.

If there's no Central City then that would mean there's no Star Labs where ever he is. Things weren't adding up for Barry.

Whatever lead him here in the speed force wasnt on his Earth, he traveled somewhere far from home and he had no idea how to get back..

Acting upon the only idea he had at the moment, Barry began to run again as fast as he could, trying to open up another worm hole but nothing was happening.

Nothing appeared as he continued to run until he stopped for air, panicking.

"Oh crap what am I gonna do?" Barry asked himself, beginning to panic "There's no Central city! No Star Labs and probably not even a Dr. Wells! I'm stuck here!"

He was out of ideas, out of hope that he'd find an answer to all his problems.

All Barry wanted was to go back and save his mother, to get his life back, but it's never really that easy..

Until Barry remembered the newspaper he read earlier. One of Avenger members, the one called 'Tony Stark', he seemed like the only one that could help him right now.

Tony and his team were the only people that Barry thought could help. After all, Tony is advanced in technology and some of his teammates have abilities of their own.

"Alright first thing tomorrow I'm going straight to these Avengers to see if they'll help.. For now, I should find some place to sleep" Barry groaned to himself. He was beyond exhausted from the constant running, he needed to recharge and fuel up on food before he could run again.

So Barry decided to run back to New York first thing in the morning to meet this Tony Stark, he was praying anyone there would help.

But for now, Barry took shelter in the nearest hotel with what money he had in his suit. Lying to the Hotel manager about his suit, he was left with no other choice but to say he was an out of town cosplayer.

It was embarrassing but it worked.

"How many times am I gonna have to use that dumb excuse.."

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