Chapter 3: Explanations

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(3rd POV)

As Barry stood in front of the infamous Tony Stark in his Iron suit, he couldn't help but draw comparisons from his friend Ray aka The Atom.

Both seemed to be very high tech with similar designs in the armor. But the colors were completely different..

"You gonna stare like that all day, Allen?" Tony asked, grabbing Barry's attention once more.

"Sorry.. It's just that, your suit looks so advanced, what is it made of?" Barry asked in reply "sorry, my little secret" Tony smirked under his mask.

"Now.. Mind telling me why you need my help?" He asked Barry impatiently.

Barry sighed a bit "you wouldn't believe me even if I told you" "try me, kid" Tony replied.

"Alright if you say so.."

Barry wasn't sure if Tony would believe him or not. But it wasn't like he had an option to not try.

At this point, Tony realized Barry wasn't a threat to him or the tower. So before Barry could start talking, he gave a command to the suit as it opened up, allowing him to exit the armor. This was now the first time Barry saw Tony face to face.

Barry thought it was only fair to take off his mask since Tony took off his.

"Now talk."

"Right" Barry nodded.

"I know this is going to sound crazy but on my Earth; different from yours, I'm known as The Flash for my super speed.. In my City I was the local hero, fighting crime and protecting it from these other meta humans" he stopped for a second to let Tony sink it all in but he motioned for Barry to continue anyways. So that's what he did.

"Back home, my team and I would work together to protect the city.. But because I lost my father a few nights ago, I decided to travel back in time to prevent my mother from dying which caused me to become the flash in the present future" he continued until Tony stopped him.

"Wait, time travel?" Tony asked a bit surprised but Barry nodded "yes, if I run fast enough, I can create a worm hole which is how I can go through either the past or future" he replied.

"And how are you able to run this fast?"

Barry took in a breath before he could explain more. This was always complicated to explain whenever someone new found out his secret.

"Well every meta human, including me, first got their powers when the particle accelerator exploded at star labs nearly two years ago. The explosion released waves of dark matter throughout the city" "and that happened on your Earth? Tony asked and Barry nodded.

"Yes this happened on multiple Earths, I'm surprised this one doesn't even have a Star labs on it.."

Tony raised a brow "Multiple Earths? How many are there then?"

Barry shrugged "well a lot."

Tony nodded while thinking "so you're here because you screwed up and can't go back to yours, huh?" He asked.

"Yes actually" Barry nodded "without my team I can't get back.."

Tony sighed, rubbing his temples as he walked over "alright kid I'll make ya a deal.. I'll bring this up to my team and they'll decide on what to do with ya but until then I wanna see what you can do."

Barry nodded "alright, so where's this team of yours?"

"Oh they're not here, we'll be going to them.." Tony replied, signalling his suit to deconstruct on it's own.

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