Ace Tries To Kill Whitebeard And Joins The Crew

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It's been a couple of months since I joined the Whitebeard pirates which made me smile as I got up. I got dressed, and brushed my hair and teeth. I went outside while strapping my katana to my hip and I looked up to see Ace attacking Whitebeard which made my eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
"Hey Ace!! What the hell do you think you are doing to my Captain!?!?" I yelled.
I saw Ace freeze while paling when he saw me.
"Nothing Envy." Said Ace way to quickly.
"If you want a fight, fight me." I said.
Ace jumped at me with a giant axe and I dodged. I kept on dodging which irritated him.
"STOP DODGING!!" Yelled Ace as he swung the axe again.
I caught it by the blade with a haki covered hand and I shattered it. I spun around and elbowed him in the throat and as he fell I lifted my foot in the air and slammed it into Ace's back. I stepped back while putting a cigarette into​ my mouth and I lit it.
"I win. It looks like you've been slacking on your training little bro. You should join the crew. Pops would be happy if you did." I said.
"Okay." Muttered Ace as he stood back up.
"How do you Know him Envy?" Asked Vista.
"He's one of my younger brothers." I said.
I turned my head and blew the smoke out of my mouth. A tick mark appeared on my forehead when Ace snatched the cigarette out of my mouth and threw it into the ocean. I punched Ace in the head which made him face plant. Ace paled when he saw me glaring at him.
"So scary. How many times has that happened?" Said Ace.
"Three times now." Said Marco.
I stomped off to the other side of the deck while putting another cigarette into my mouth. I lit it while leaning on the railing and I breathed in the smoke. I calmed down when I got halfway​ through the cigarette and I sighed as I threw it into the ocean. I walked back up to where Pops is and I sat down in front of him.
"I have to tell you something Pops. Your curious about my who my parents are right?" I said.
"Yes I am." Said Pops.
"My dad is Yuki D. Pride, Captain of the seven deadly sins pirates. My mom is Serenity D. Lust, the first mate of the seven deadly sins pirates." I said.
"Why are you telling me now?" Asked Pops.
"I trust you and Because knowing the old geezer, he's going to end up telling his boss and I'll be hunted down." I said.
I went to the dining hall and I ate until I got full. I muttered something about going to bed early while going to my room. I changed into my pajamas and I fell asleep when I jumped on to my bed.

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