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'setting fire to our insides for fun'
the cold air hit him immediately, and he wondered to himself why he didn't bring a jacket at least.

the lie wasn't the most convincible one, but nonetheless, a lie.

he knew he owed phil some answers, but he didn't want to answer them now. maybe later, but not now.

he reached the hospital hastily, and as he opened the doors, he bent his head down, afraid that a random fan would notice him and bombard him with questions.

he reached the front counter.

"dan howell."

the smell of medicine swarmed around his nose.

"this way."

left, left, right, left.

he saw someone under a white cloth.


right, left, straight, left.

he knew it would be him soon.

right, stop.

knock knock.

door opens. enter.

"hello dan."

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