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'my eyes are damp from the words you've left'
phil opened the door, shocked to see a teary eyed dan behind it.


"the last stage?"

phil knew that dan had heard everything.

"dan i-"

"and you didn't tell me?"

dan wasn't crying. phil was scared.

phil didn't knew whether that sentence was directed towards the doctor or phil.

"we-i-i can expla-"


phil fell silent. dan was angry, just by that hushed voice that sent chills down phil's back.

"i'm the patient. i'm the one who's getting the treatment. i'm the one who's going to die. and you're not telling me everything that i needed to know? the pills aren't fucking helping, are they?"

phil knew he was in trouble.

phil wished he wasn't in the room.

"and you."

phil could sense dan's attention was now turned towards him.

"you were the one who found out about this. you were the one who said you loved me. love consists of trust. so now where. is. the. fucking. trust?"

"dan, i-"








"i-i lo-"


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