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'and you've caused it'
phil was thankful to god that dan and his blood were the same type.

as he sealed the last letter shut, he gave it to the doctor.

"are you sure you want to do this?"


phil would do anything to save his loved ones, even if it means certain death.

"you'll have to sign this." the doctor passed him a piece of paper. he signed it without hesitation.

"we'll get you ready."

before phil left, he went to dan.

dan looked so peaceful

phil gave dan a last kiss on his cheek.

'love you'

and he left, just like that.

"doctor, we are ready."

"let's start."

beep beep beep beep

"constant heart rate."


beep beep beep beep.

"doctor! hhis heartbeat is slowing!"

"quick! get the machine!"

beeep beeep

"power one!"


beeep beeep



beeeeeep beeeeep



beep beep beep beeeeeep beeeep


"doctor, patient's heart have stopped beating.

we couldn't save him."

19th of october 2016, 3.37p.m. - death of philip lester, aged 29.

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