The talk

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Hey guys sorry that I was updating and that was only because I already had finished this chapter and I was ready to publish it but all of it was deleted so here it is again where Zuri and Tiffany are sitting on the bed hope u enjoy

Tiffany: Zuri are you sure you don't want me to take you to the nurse because I think you should go see her

Zuri: What would that do I'm not crazy Sky is and the nurse here just flashes a light in your eyes and then gives you a lollipop

Tiffany: Well that is true but I still don't understand why sky would do something like this

Zuri: Don't you see she's evil, she's out to get me

Emma and Lou walk in to see Tiffany and Zuri sitting on the bed, Zuri looking like she's been crying

Emma: Zuri, What's wrong, what happened?

Zuri: Emma please believe me that's all I want is for someone to believe me will you?

Emma: Of course Zuri your my sister

Zuri: It was Sky she told my secret, she's dating Griff and she did this to me

Emma: Come on Zuri how could Sky do that she's only been here for a day

Zuri: I knew it no one will believe me

Lou: Well I think no one's believing you because that's not possible she's badly even been here for a day and she couldn't have got your secret out, is dating Griff and beat you up

Zuri: Why would I make something like that up we were close up until we hung out with Griff

Emma: Its obvious you don't like her so your trying to get rid of her duhhh

Zuri: Watch and wait you'll see I am telling the truth

Zuri storms out of the cabin and walks to the Grizzly cabin to find Ravi with Mrs. Kipling

Ravi: Hello Zuri, what is the matter you look sad

Zuri: Ravi could you believe me please

Ravi: Oh dear sister of course I would believe you

Zuri: Well that's what Emma said but I guess not but it's sky it's all her she leeked my secret she's dating Griff and she beat me up

Ravi: I knew it

Zuri: You did??

Ravi: Of course I knew that there was something that did not seem right

Zuri: Yes finally someone actually believes me thank you Ravi

Ravi: Of course I thought she a bit off

Zuri: Well what are we going to do I have to share a cabin with her you know

Ravi: Zuri I'm sorry to say but there's not much we can do the summer just had started so I think you kinda just have to push through it

Zuri: Oh I'll be pushing thru something alright Zuri said with a wide grin on her face

That's concludes the talk chapter 6 and once again I'm so sorry it took me a while to update this story I would've before if it didn't delete it but if you want to read more great story by me go to my story's.

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