Figuring out

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Emma: Xander! I have seen any sign of Jorge, Griff or Zuri

Xander: You don't think...

Emma: Well now I am

Xander: Have you gone to the lake, mess hall, cabins and asked people

Emma: Of course I'm not stupid

Xander: Well where else could they be

Emma: You don't think they went into town to get Bianca do you

Xander: Well we have to look maybe at the city hall I don't know

Emma: Well when could we catch a bus

Xander: If we hurry then when we get there

Emma: Well let's go then

Emma and Xander rush down to town to find the bus just now leaving

Xander: Well now what

Emma: Well if we can run down a couple block to the group home

Xander: What do you mean

Emma: Well either she got sent to juvie or she's in a group home there's no in between

Xander: Where is it then

Emma: Its a pretty big house with a bunch of trouble girls that got caught with the police

Xander: How do you know this stuff

Emma: How do you not though

Xander: True

Emma and Xander start on there way again to the group home for girls

Emma: Okay this is the only group home here so this has to be where Bianca and the kids are at

Xander starting to walk towards the door: What if there not here though

Emma trailing behind him: Then where do you think they could be

Xander: Well why would Zuri Griff and Jorge be here

Emma knocking on the door: They want the best for Bianca obviously

Manager of the group home: Hello? Can I help you

Emma: Yes um actually we want to know if you just recently got a new juvenile delinquent goes by Bianca Ramirez

Manger: No I'm sorry but let me check the agenda real quick because I'm sure I've heard that name but come in if you want I need to get it

Emma and Xander walk into the group home and see nine girls sitting in the living room

Xander: Why don't we ask them

Emma: We are not talking to crazy girls that have been in juvie

Xander: Hi, hello so I'm Xander and this is my girlfriend Emma

Emma: We were just wondering do any of you know Bianca Ramirez

Lindsey: I do that was my bitch in juvie why do you think something happened to her

Emma: Um yea kinda

Lindsey: I heard she went to some camp a little bit out of town

Emma: Yea we just camp from there and there's been a bit of a misunderstanding, she got in a fight-

Lindsay: Of course leave it up to Big B to kick some ass anyone who step up to her gonna get it

Emma: Wait so this isn't the first fight??

Lindsey: Of course not in juvie she got her privileges taken away all the time for handed it to someone

Emma: Has she ever been arrested for fighting

Lindsay: Yea obviously that's why she was in the state with me and Danielle

Emma: Is she here right now

Lindsay gesturing to a girl with cornrows braids sitting back feet on the table: Danny, these people wanna talk

Danielle: Yea wassup

Emma: you know Bianca Ramirez right

Danielle: Nahh she is my blood man

Emma: Well where would she be if she got arrested here

Lindsay: Poilce station at least for a few hours they leave you in a room and then you have to fill shit out

Xander: Isn't that the next street behind two down

Danielle: Hey, who are you cuz you be fine as hell

Emma: My boyfriend an I should be going

Manager: Okay found it and I take it you met some of the girls here

Emma: Yea so Bianca Ramirez is she anywhere on the list

Manager: No but they change it a lot so chances are that she is coming they just haven't updated so if you like i could give you a call when she is updated but for now I can do nothing

Xander: Well thank you for your time

Xander and Emma keep going to find out that they have escaped an hour ago do you think they will find them read the next chapter to see

Ps. I have been hella sick so that's why I haven't been updating so I will definitely try hard bye

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