The healing

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(From previous chapter)

Sky: God damn why are you such a cunt literally we all know he likes you and shit, why don't you go pick up those scissors again and do it for reals

Zuri in shock: Why don't you shut the hell up I really don't have to listen to this conversation cause all that was your fault not mine

Sky: Even thou you just admitted to it and your the one that walked into the bathroom

Zuri: Fine then I'll leave

Sky grabbing her hair: Bitch, this isn't over just so you know

Griff was watching everything as he walked past

Sky: Oh no who's gonna save you know, there's no one on you side if you haven't noticed I'm your only true friend

Griff grabs Zuri's hand and pulls her close: Sky, just stop okay it's over "there's no one on your side if you haven't noticed" you have no body anymore

Sky: Griff, you ruin everything why are you here Zuri hates you anyways

Zuri letting loose of Griff: Skylar, Shut the hell up no one wants to listen to your whiny ass your vulnerable right now and I was too but not any more

As Zuri leaves the cabin and Griff chases after her when Emma comes in

Emma: Sky? Oh no what's wrong

Sky: Just, nothing go away

Emma: Okay that's a little rude but you know you can talk to me I'm a C.I.T I'm here if you need anything

Sky: I don't want anything from you or your stuck up family as she storms out

Emma thinking to herself: Stuck up family? I'm sure that's Zuri, Ravi wouldn't do anything like that wait she was telling the truth sky is evil

After Zuri ran off Griff chased after her to find themselves at the spot


Zuri turning her back quickly: What do you want you have been following me for the longest time just leave me alone

Griff: You know where you lead us

Zuri: What are you talking about

Griff: The spot

Zuri: So what I'm mad at you I really don't wanna talk to you

Griff: Please Zuri that's all I want, for you to talk to me

Zuri: Well we don't always get what we want now do we so you can go back to camp and leave me alone

Griff: I'm sorry for everything I'm sorry that I was such a bad friend I'm sorry that I really messed up by going out with sky and I'm so so so sorry that I lost you

Zuri: If I forgive you then will you leave

Griff: If you forgive me or stay mad at me forever I still be by your side

Zuri's face bright red with happiness

Griff: your blushing, is that a good sign or am I about to die

Zuri playfully punching him: Both

Griff being sarcastic: Ouch why the violence

Zuri: Because you were being stupid and followed me here, why did you follow me here anyways

Griff: I wanted to see if you were okay

Zuri: Well yea why wouldn't I be

Griff: You just got some hair ripped out by sky and you cussed her out I've never heard you cuss though

Zuri: I told you she was evil but some one wouldn't listen obviously

Griff: Zuri, I'm sorry for everything and I have to confess

Zuri: Confesss?

Griff: Zuri I'm in love with you and I'm being completely honest

Zuri: Um, I'm sorry I don't know what to say

Griff: Well can you just say one thing

Zuri: What?

Griff: If you would go out with me

Zuri leaping into his arms: Yes

Zuri and Griff a couple comment if you think this is a good or bad idea until the next chapter

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