At the camp fire

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Tiffany running up to Zuri

Tiffany: Zuri are you okay you kind of just disappeared after you stormed out of the cabin like that and I have been looking for you ever since I just wanted to know if you let go of the whole evil Sky thing

Zuri: Well all I know is that one person probably in this whole entire camp believes me and that's Ravi so that really shows who my true friends are

Tiffany: Zuri don't think I never believed you it's just that this was different then things you have said before I didn't know what to think and why are you acting like this

Zuri: I'm not acting like anything this is how I always am see this is me Zuri but I just don't know who you are are you my friend or not cause I know for a fact friend's believe friends

Griff runs up to Zuri

Griff: Hey Zuri I just wanted to know if you were okay after that explosion you had back at the lake today

Zuri: I'm fine, I'M FINE okay there's nothing wrong with me I'm fine okay is that it because I'm good

Tiffany: Zuri I know your not fine cause I know for a fact I can tell when your not

Zuri gave tiffany a dirty look and rolled her eyes

Griff: Zuri can me and you just talk for a second

Zuri: Sure what about

Griff takes Zuri's hand and starts leading her on as Sky is secretly watching from a distance

Griff: Okay I know your not fine and I also know that you seen me and Sky kiss at the lake and I also also know that you have a crush on me

Zuri: First of all don't try to tell me when I'm fine or not and yes I did see you and Sky kiss but it doesn't matter to me

Griff: See right now your not acting like your self right now your somebody else and I know that the real Zuri is still in there and I would kind of like to talk to my best friend

Zuri: You still want to be friends??

Griff: Of course I want to be friends with you your awesome

Zuri: You know that Sky your new girl friend hates me right so me and you friends? Yea that's not going to work out well she's already beat me up so just imagine what else she could do

Griff: I don't care what she thinks I want to still have you as a friend and even if I would have to break up with her I would

Sky walks up as if it was on cue

Sky: Griff, aren't you coming you don't want to keep me waiting any longer

Zuri: Go it's not like I haven't been left before

Sky: Good choice now let's go

Griff: Nah I think I'm just going to sit here with Zuri for a little you can go on without me

Sky: Why just cause you like her more than me even though I am your girlfriend now

Sky started getting pissy and made Griff mad

Griff: Sky what's your problem with Zuri she's my friend and I started going out with you cause I thought you were chill

Sky: What are you talking about I am and I still am

Griff: Right now not so much

Sky walks off leaving Griff and Zuri sitting under a tree which concludes chapter 7 until next time and find out will Griff and Sky break up or make up and read my latest story The cousin a walk the prank fan fiction read it to find out more!!

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