Make up or break up

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Zuri: Walking into the cabin pissed AF UGHHHHH WHAT'S WRONG WITH BOYS I'M SO DONE as she's tearing up, holding scissors to her wrist as Sky walks in

Sky: So you have resorted to that really, your so privileged and perfect and one bad thing happens and you go to this damnnn either your depressed or just desperate for attention

Zuri: Sky, I could never be more depressed that I am now I just lost Griff I don't know how to explain that just as if someone tried to shoot me I don't wanna die but I wouldn't wanna move out of the way

Sky: That's deep man she says while laughing but it's a good thing you lost Griff cause now you don't have to worry about me and that's hella drama getting lifted from your shoulders

Zuri: Are you trying to help me or make me feel worst?

Sky: Well you know I love making u feel more hurt than you think you are but no I'm helping duh

Zuri: You help me?

Sky: I know I feel sick too so bye

Sky walks out of the cabin as Zuri throws the scissors across the room in frustration, Griff with the door a few inches open peeking through to see what Zuri has done leaves slamming the door when she only got a glimpse of who it was and bursts into tears

Zuri thinking to herself: I know what I am now I'm a waste of life Sky hates me for me being myself, Griff hates me because I totally ruined our friendship and I hate myself because I'm me she thinks as sitting on the floor drenched in tears while leaning against her bed frame

Griff walking into his cabin leaving the door half open as he messes up everything that he owns as he thinks I've messed up too bad I could never fix this she will never forgive me I'm done as he's tearing up, holding scissors to his wrists as he goes down making large slits while the blood runs down just as fast as the tears run down his face then he looks up to see Sky coming through the door

Sky: Griff!

Griff: I want nothing to do with you I'm done with you and everything else!!!

Sky trying to walk through the clutter or stuff he threw and broke What are you talking about

Griff: I think I've put it in perspective enough for you to understand I AM DONE!

Sky: Starting to fake a cry Please Griffy you know your gonna regret this

Griff: I do I regret this "us" thing already and you made it this way

Sky: Griff-


As Sky walks out her fake cry wasn't fake any more she was crying for real this time she ran into the cabin just to hide every trace of sadness and to see that Zuri wasn't in the cabin and wondered where she was but she didn't think much of it.

So... that concludes this chapter, too many tears and cuts but find out what happens to sky and where Zuri went and comment what you thought about this chapter                                                                         

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