Telling the truth isnt always easy...

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Xander rushing into woodchuck cabin: Where's Jorge, he left before Bianca did

Zuri: What do you mean "before Bianca did"?

Griff: She left with the lady outside a little while ago

Zuri: Did she say where she was going

Griff: No when I asked her all she said was she's going home so I don't think she's going back to the state

Zuri instantly breaking out into tears: Oh no!! We have to stop her!

Xander: Why she's going back home that's a good thing

Zuri running out: Its not what you think

Griff running after her: Zuri!! Wait up!

Zuri runs to the front of the camp just in time to see Bianca in the back seat of a silver car Zuri tried to keep running but she couldn't anymore instead she clasped on the ground

Griff finally catching: Zuri? What's wrong, why is this a bad thing

Zuri: Home? She's not talking about actually going back home

Griff: Then what could she mean by that

Jorge: Zuri? Griff? What are you guys doing

Zuri gets up to hug him still in tears: Jorge your sister

Jorge: What Bianca? What happened and why are you crying

Zuri: After the fight a social worker came to get her and Bianca is in trouble

Jorge: That doesn't surprise me but don't worry after my parents get a call they'll go get her

Zuri: Jorge, I don't think you understand Bianca said she wanted to go back home


Zuri: Lets take a bus to the station and see if we can find her

Jorge: Okay but we need money

Zuri: The candy money that I con kids out of

Griff: I'll run back to get it

Jorge: Do you think she actually will

Zuri: To be honest it's hard to tell but she is gonna be alright

As Griff runs back they all go down to the bus stop to get to the station

Jorge: I'm scared

Zuri: Why we'll be able to find her and get her back

Jorge: But what if he don't

Griff: Don't worry buddy we can and will

As the bus creeks to stop the kids get off only two blocks away


Jorge: I can't run though

Zuri: Just come on

Griff: Here

Zuri walking in hard core breathing: Hi excuse me did a social worker by any chance come in here with a girl black hair Hispanic kinda tall

Lady at the counter: Um, let me look through my scroll

Jorge: Were kinda in a hurry here

Lady at the counter: Do you need Blanca Ramirez

Jorge correcting her: Bianca and yes can we speak with her

Lady at the counter: Yeah sure I'll take you to her

As the lady takes them to a room they see glass and through it she sits and waits

Zuri: Bianca

Bianca: What are you guys doing here

Jorge: You told Xander you were trying to go back

Bianca: Oh, you heard that listen I'm sorry

Zuri: You don't deserve to die at all this is just a misunderstanding and we can cover for you

Bianca: Its okay I'm used to this

Jorge: But you don't need to be in here

Bianca: No I wanna though

Jorge: Why

Bianca: I let you down and I really do deserve this

Truth let's out Jorge feels the blame and Zuri tries to help, do you think they can get her out of there or is she ending up back where she started

And if you didn't get the whole home thing Bianca thinks she's from hell and she was gonna kill herself just a btw...

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