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Zuri mouthing to Tiffany: What do you think your doing

Tiffany mouthing back: She asked me to

Judge: Okay now Bianca lets hear from your eyewitnesses

Zuri: Okay so it was early in the morning and um we like just woke up so I was talking to Bianca and then Sky had to add her input so Bianca not liking what she said

Tiffany: Um I object to that the only Sky had said was I'm fine thanks for asking and Bianca got really defensive don't get me wrong I love Bianca as a friend but I rely on the truth

Judge: Zuri, please continue

Zuri: Well anyway Bianca replied to her an-

Judge: What was her reply

Zuri lying: Um, I don't really remember but I know it was harsh and true-

Sky: Can I speak, I remember what she said to my face she called me a cunt

Judge: Bianca is this true

Bianca: Of course not I would never

Judge: Okay okay Zuri now you can continue

Zuri: Thank you, so as I was saying so then Sky tried to go after her until they were in the middle of the room and Bianca tried to make sky calm down until Sky put her hands on her and then Bianca hit her and they started fighting

Judge: So really this is Skylars fault

Sky: Um no sir really this is Bianca starting things before anything even happened

Judge: How do you mean

Sky: Well let me take back to the very first day I met Bianca, I remember her coming into the cabin as Jorge was introducing her I told her we can be great friends but then she got in my face and started talking bad about me but she didn't even know me

Bianca waving her acrylic nails in the air: Umm no no no that's not what happened, here's the real story I walk in and then she says we CAN be friends or enemies just don't get in my way and there's no problem but judge you see I put an emphasis on can only because she only ment she will start something and pin it on me as she's doing right now

Judge: All this just seems like different point of views like if you see a nine she sees a six and if you see an M she sees a W this all just doesn't add up to what recently happened

Sky: Believe me my side will make you understand what's happening... Sir

Bianca: Either way she's lying like I have 3 witnesses including myself who knows exactly what happened when she only got one

Judge: We haven't heard from your witness Sky, what's your point of view of what happened

Tiffany: Well first when Bianca got there it was great but things got a little out of proportion

Judge: And?

Tiffany: Well we are all great friends I've been friend with sky since she got here and I have also been friends with Bianca since she has came to camp too but I won't pick sides okay Bianca and Sky have been at each other's throats since Bianca walked through the cabin doors they have been having tension between them every since day one and I can't take it no more it gives me anxiety when my friends fight

Judge: Huhhh, Okay I'm calling it we can resume this hearing on Wednesday but for now Sky will change cabins

Sky: Why me

Judge: We can discuss other things in two days but until Wednesday this is no longer my decision it's out of my hands and into yours

Sky has to switch bad call but good for Bianca, comment which side your on and also comment which cabin you think Sky should switch into

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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