Tip #1 • Mean Guy? Or Nice Guy?

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Tip #1 Is Written By Dove

Remember, we don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings if they have done these 'How Nots' before. If you might get upset, please don't read them!


Ok, people let's face it, Peter Pan is not a good guy.

I get people want to see a soft side to him so they write him soft and he and the OC fall in love after like the 3rd chapter. 

What the heck?!

I did that in my 'His Soulmate' book but I'm not really writing that book anymore.

But if you're going to do a Peter Pan fanfic, he HAS to be really mean and cruel still.

You can make him and the OC fall in love later in the story, just develop the hate that they either have for each other, or just the OC hating Pan and vice versa.

Maybe make Pan hurt the OC later on in the story and then that makes him realize he's in love with her.

Don't make them fall in love in the first 5 chapters, please. It makes the story sloppy (no offense).



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