Tip #4 • Screw Immortality

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Tip #4 Is Written By Dove

Remember, we don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings if they have done these 'How Nots' before. If you might get upset, please don't read them!


This one is similar to the last tip so... yeah.

And the rant starts now!



He's not just going to give up his youth, immorality, or power for your OC i the first 5 chapters!

I can not stand it when people do that.

Again, I get people want to see a soft side to him but still!

He gave up his own son for power, immortality, and youth. What makes you think he's going to give up all of that for your OC in the first 5 chapters.

That's right...BECAUSE HE WON'T!

Don't make him all of a sudden turn all 'Mr. Nice Guy' and make him go around spreading rainbow hearts and unicorn stickers because he doesn't care about his power or immortality anymore!

That will not happen until like the VERY, VERY end of your long 50 chapter book.

The reason why I feel so strongly about this is because very few writers have actually been realistic about this.

I get that you might be anxious to have your OC and Pan fall in love, but trust me, slow-burn would be best.

Even if it is extremely painful to write.

Rant over!



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