Tip #2 • Trust Issues

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Tip #2 Is Written By Dove

Remember, we don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings if they have done these 'How Nots' before. If you might get upset, please don't read them!


Alright, for those of you who are either working on an Emma Swan fanfic or have one, here's a tip, Emma does have slight trust issues.

At least I think so

It's hard for her to open up to people after what Neal did to her and it takes her a while to fully open up to others.

So if you are making the OC's love interest Emma Swan, make sure they don't get together right away.

I would recommend making it slow burn.

Slow burn is when it takes a long time for the OC and love interest to get together, but when they do, it is SO worth the wait and people usually like those stories better.

There aren't a lot of really good Emma Swan fanfics out there and I have yet to read a super good one.

So if you have one, go to the Recommendation book and fill out the form, please. Cause I really want to read a good one.

But back to the topic, don't make the OC and Emma fall in love really fast because... 

1. That's not realistic and usually, relationships like that don't last long (Like Stelena. No Offence)

2. Again, Emma wouldn't just spill her heart out right after she meets the OC

So please, don't do this. And if you already have, you can fix it or just use it as a heads up for the future.



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