Tip #3 • Revenge

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Tip #3 Is Written By Dove

Remember, we don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings if they have done these 'How Nots' before. If you might get upset, please don't read them!


Alright, people here's the thing, Hook when he was first introduced was obsessed with getting revenge on Rumplestiltskin. 

He isn't going to just drop his revenge trip for your OC. Killian won't just see your OC and be like, "I'm not going to kill the crocodile because you're beautiful." 

I'm sorry but no. That can't happen.

So what I would advise doing is letting the OC meet Hook then the two can either, hate each other, fall in love right off the bat, or it's a one-way love thing.

But either way, you have to keep in mind Hook is still trying to get revenge on Rumplestiltskin. So please do not have him just drop his revenge trip.

What you could do is maybe have the OC have a near-death experience and then Hook realizes he can't risk your OC being hurt again so then he drops the revenge trip.



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