Awtok 2017

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AWTOK 2017
"On the move and what you need to know."

I don't believe that they will kill your family. That would leave to much to cover up since now they have kidnapped a child/teenager and have dead bodies to take care of. Maybe they'll hold you captive while your parents are out somewhere or your on vacation but hopefully the don't kill them.

Personally I feel that if you know the Awtok are tracking you or hunters are on your tail(or tails) try to get your family out of the house and away from you. Spend the might at a friends, go out for a walk, lock you bedroom door and pretend to be sick. Wait for the bastards and always be armed.

I haven't been able to get a pocket knife yet :/ You guys feeling threatened should just for everyday life and maybe carry a spare bag with you full of clothes and sneakers. When going to the woods or the park carry any weapon from a pocket knife to a pair of scissors. Make sure to message everyone where you are going and leave a trail.

That's all for now~×~

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