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Comment Response
By V

(Yes that is coming back since I'm pretty much done with this mess)

Okay so apparently people got offended by my last chapter when i was just stating factual information. Most so called mythicals I've met and talked to are either depressed, psychotic or suicidal which is a sign of mental illness.  I honestly, don't get and understand how some people took offence to it.

I am not your significant other of companion so I will not put it lightly, I don't even remember posting that chapter at all. I check my wattpad account and see this hot garbage so uh thanks but no thanks?

(Also the video I haven't watched yet just seemed cool I don't have a problem with furries anymore they are fine just very very odd and can be creepy asf when challenged. That it is all plus a lot of the so called community is furries)

Also i lost my mind at a few comments, like this is called a JOURNAL because i just put random stuff in it. Originally this was called a GUIDE because i was passionate and put a lot of research into this subject. I worked hard to try and logically explain some of this to you but eventually I gave up. So get your facts straight and yes I am liar. Stop stating the obvious and mind your business over what you don't even know about.

Seriously. Stop trying to act all tough and put a good old zinger in your "insult". You look really dumb. Do you know what a journal is? Did you bother to be civil but no you tried to be a bad girl and call me a name. Sit down and go pretend to be a pug or whatever the hell you guys want to be. I'm not even mad I'm indifferent to foolishness these days.

Cat. There is a thing called fiction. I have no idea have to respond like what did you mean? I am fucking lost. I'm not being mean i honestly don't get your comments context. Do you...i just....what?

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