Chapter 9: I'm Sorry Daddy

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A/N: Spoilers for season 12 from this point on!!

It had been about two weeks since Henley moved into the bunker. She had settled into one of the many bedrooms, learned about her grandmother that had come back to life, the angel Castiel, and the British Men of letters. From what Sam and Dean had told her she didn't trust The Men of Letters. She flopped back onto her bed, criticizing herself. The only thing she's failed to mention is that Dean is her father. Henley sighed as she stared up at the bleak white popcorn ceiling of her bedroom in the bunker. She had to figure out the opportune time and way to explain it all to him. Henley flipped over onto her stomach, just as the door to her bedroom creaked open. Henley rolled her eyes as Sam strolled in. closing the door quietly behind him.

"Henley, this has gone on long enough. You need to let Dean know. I gave you one week, it's now been two. You have made too many excuses and enough is enough. I'm headed into town to pick up some dinner, and by the time I get back Dean better know everything." Henley sucked on her bottom lip, nodding her head in agreement with Sam.

"Alright. I know I've taken way too long to tell him the truth, but I just have no idea how I'm going to say it. It'll be so awkward and awful. He's going to be so mad that I kept it from him this long. I just never had the courage to tell him. I didn't even have to tell you really, you just figured it out. It actually made it easier." she confessed, as Sam plopped down on the bed next to her.

"Listen, the longer you wait the worse it'll be. But I know that you are a strong and brave young woman, and you have the ability to do this. If you can take down a werewolf on your own, then this will be a piece of cake. Think of it like ripping off a band aid. Don't beat around the bush, just get to the point and make sure to give him a few minutes to wrap his head around it all."

"Thanks for the advice Uncle Sam." Henley sent him a sly smirk, as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, don't call me that. It makes me feel like an old bearded white man in a top hat." He ruffled Henley's hair, placed a kiss on her head, and exited her room. Henley waited until she could hear the sound of the garage door opening and closing before making her way out into the hall. She took a deep breath, closing her door softly. She made her way down the stairs and into the library where she saw Dean sitting at one of the tables, scouring the internet, and nonchalantly taking sips from his bottle of Beck's. Henley cleared her throat, walking over to the tall man. She slouched in the chair next to him, as he tore his eyes away from the screen.

"What's up kid? By the way, have you seen Sam?" He asked, relaxing into his chair.

"Um, yeah, he said something about going out to pick up dinner."

Dean smiled, stretching his arms up over his head before relaxing back into his chair. "Good. I'm starved, and could really go for a burger right about now. So, you want to work on your aim before Sammy gets back?" She shrugged her shoulders, reclining back into the chair. "I'll take that as a no." He let out a small chuckle, when suddenly he became very serious. "What is that?" he asked, pointing to the bracelet on her wrist.

"Oh, this it-it's nothing. Just a bracelet." Henley stuttered, tugging down her long sleeves to cover it up. Dean was not supposed to find out like this. "Listen Dean, I have something to—"

"No. People don't say something is nothing unless it's something. Let me see it." Henley sunk lower into the chair, and Dean rolled his eyes, reaching out and latching onto her wrist like a vulture, forcing her upright. She watched his facial expressions closely as he examined the bracelet. He turned the bullet over reading the engraving. "Wh-" Dean cleared his throat, "Where did you get this?" he whispered, though his voice was anything but soft. Henley yanked her wrist back, tears threatened to spill from her eyes, and she quickly rubbed them. "Where did you get that bracelet?" Dean repeated, teeth grit together so tight Henley thought he might actually chip a tooth.

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