Chapter 1

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Not sure if I'm happy with this! But please read and review! Chapters will follow episodes. Starts 1x01. I don't own anything.


"Let's clear it out." TC called as he and the EMS crew wheeled the trolley through. "Move it people." TC ordered, turning to the doctor he asked. "I need a type and screen and two units of blood."

"Sure thing." The doctor nodded before heading off to organise the necessary tests. "You got lucky there TC." The doctor whistled.

"Luck had nothing to do with it." TC retorted, cockily. He really didn't need his ego inflating even more.

TC began making his way to the break room when Dr Alexander's voice stopped him in his tracks. "Heard about it over dispatch. Hell of a way to start your shift."

"Not my first choice." He chuckled. Noticing the new linen trolley, TC reached for a clean scrub top before depositing his blooded top into the nearest bin.

"You look like crap" Jordan stated, matter of factly. "Are you fighting again?"

TC simply ignored his ex girlfriend's comments and dismissed her. "But this time, it wasn't me who started it."

"It never is." Jordan muttered. "Now you're here. I need your paperwork, you're a month behind."

"In case you realised. Paperwork isn't really my biggest priority."

Jordan shook her head. "Just do your paperwork, stop going out and getting drunk, you've got bigger things to worry about." With one last look Jordan headed back to her patients, greeting Drew as she passed.

"Morning or whatever." Drew grumbled at TC, his voice low.

Drew Alister was one of TC's best friends, he, like TC was an Army medic and had served overseas on many occasions. He was now an Army Reserve and when he wasn't being shipped off overseas he was a Resident in San Antonio Memorial Hospital.

TC sighed. "Hey, you know anything about this new doctor? Some hot shot or something?" He asked after a moment or two, looking up from the charts he was holding.

He shook his head. Catching sight of Topher Zia, he called him over. "Hey, Topher? You heard anything about the new attending?" Drew asked, curiously he wandered over to the group. They had all been informed that there would be a new attending starting today but they hadn't been given anything more.

"The surgeon? No. Just as in the dark as you." Topher shrugged. Lifting his wrist, he sighed. "Anyway, she's late."


It had been little before 9PM when TC had been called to a multi-vehicle accident. He was glad for the break, he had been trying to avoid Jordan all evening especially with her on his back about the drug paperwork.

"Hey TC?" Topher called across the ER, gaining TC's attention, he continued. "We've got an accident in Kerr County, looking bad."

TC nodded and soon enough they were on their way.


"What do we got?" TC asked, his voice loud as he tried to drown out the sound of the propellers spinning.

"Fight between an SUV, Car and motorbike." The medevac doctor informed. There had been two units sent to help, the call had come saying that two cars had collided and the second car had then spun itself around and knocked a motorbike off the road.

"They said there was a doctor on scene? Was she involved in the accident." Topher added, his voice also loud.

"Yeah! There's a woman, blonde, cute, ya know. Says she's an attending, she's banged up pretty bad too." One of the first medevac doctors said. "She's the one on the sun roof, look over there."

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