Chapter 13

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"Hey, where's Drew and Rick?" TC asked as he walked through the door. Looking around he noticed that it was just Lori and even then Drew's truck was missing. "Truck's gone"

"Yeah, taken mom and the brother back to the airport." She shrugged. "I didn't want them to know when I was going for the surgery, anyway Dad called and wanted them home for something."

Lori didn't really mind, truth be told they were starting to get on her nerves. She had just about managed to get used to Drew's fussing but her mother was a whole other level. Not something she particularly needed or wanted right now.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, grabbing two glasses from the cupboard and filling them with some fresh apple juice. She wasn't going to be stupid enough to offer TC a beer and anyway, it wasn't like she would enjoy watching him drink something she can't.

"I need you to pack your bag" He declared, simply.

Lori's eyebrows creased. "Why?"

"Scott wants to do the surgery today." He said. A small smile on his face.

"What? Really?" Lori asked in disbelief, she was sure that Scott said she wouldn't be able to have the procedure until next week at the earliest. That had been one of the reasons she sent her mom and brother home.

"He's booked the OR. So you better not have eat anything today?" TC checked, knowing that would mean no surgery.

Lori shook her head, "no I was- no I haven't eat."

TC could tell Lori didn't know where to put herself or what to do, it was no surprising this was a major shock to her. "Come on then, go get your bag."

Lori squealed nervously and ran upstairs to pack. It hadn't taken her long to bring the bag down, Jordan or Drew could come back and get anymore stuff it was needed, she just wanted to make sure she had some more comfy clothes to change into after the op.

"Ready?" TC asked, they both began to walk towards the door when Drew and Rick walked in.

"What's going on here? Where's the fire?" Drew asked, a small smile as he joked, closing the door behind him.

TC looked at Lori, he gathered she wasn't going to tell him so he had to. "Scott got the surgery approved for today. We're going to kick this tumour."

"But you had a seizure two days ago? I thought he couldn't do it if that happened." Rick said, making Lori shift on her feet.

"Maybe this is the last chance, I might not get another opportunity for weeks. I'll be able to recover and start work again." Lori said, she had clearly thought about this.

TC looked unsure whilst Drew just looked angry, he couldn't believe that she would try and carry on knowing that she had hidden an important factor.

"You can't" He insisted.

"I need to do this Drew, it was hardly a seizure I was out for seconds." She argued. Looking to TC.

"Maybe he's right" TC sighed, as much as he hated this, it had been one of the conditions. Lori had to keep a log of all symptoms, if she had a seizure before the operation it meant she was at more of a risk of convulsing on the table which could cause major complications.

Lori looked helpless, tears brimmed in her eyes. "I need to do this. It's my choice. My life. I'm having this surgery and if you two- three do anything to stop me I will leave Texas faster than you can say "houston"". She explained, tiredly. Man this tumour knew how to suck the life out of her.

When they tried to argue, she put her hand up. "You'd do the same thing. I know you would. I've got this thing growing inside my head and unless you want to be burying me in the ground I suggest you all keep quiet."

The three men looked towards each other, they didn't want to have to lie but Lori was right. Her life was at stake. TC and Rick nodded, leaving Drew. He stood sombre, he knew what the choice was. It took him a few moments but he nodded in agreement.

With that, the four headed to the hospital. With Lori smiling, today is going to be a good day.


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