Chapter 2

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"Night shift in five minutes!" Jordan called out, sipping on her iced coffee.

The Night Shift staff were currently on the roof, preparing for their 12 hour shift and of course, there had been no better way to start the shift than to relax in the blazing heat.

Drew had been practising for his MMA fight with Kenny's help whilst Krista, who quickly blended into the family was on the side observing. She had become a good friend of Drew's, Lori's and Kenny's since she had started and they had even spent an evening in a bar getting to know each other.

Meanwhile, Topher was sat typing on his phone from his place in a spare wheelchair which he had decided to use as a seat. TC had been led in the paddling pool, cooling from the head and Lori had joined him, although only dipping her legs in as she found a stranded ball to balance her butt on.

"Do you have to take your shirt off, here? Now?" Lori complained, rolling back and forth on the ball.

Jordan chuckled. "He looks for opportunities." It was always the same and had been ever since they got together.

TC shrugged, turning to the Doctor he scoffed. "I recall you looking for those opportunities."

"I think I walked in on a few of those." Lori grimaced as she recalled some of those times.

"You know, he's gonna max you out. He's done it to me more than once." Lori huffed, moving her feet in the water, allowing the cold liquid to cool her.

TC scoffed. "Don't listen to her, she's just bitter today."

"Shut up," She muttered, splashing him a little with some water.

"Staying with Drew not what you expected?" Topher asked, looking up from his phone momentarily.

"I mean, staying with Drew is all well and good 'cause I get the gossip ya know." She huffed, taking a sip of the water she had grabbed from the cooler earlier. "And it's great, like yesterday I heard all about the guy he has in Afghanistan but then he started on his MMA fighting."

TC chuckled, kicking some water, soaking the grey shirt she wore underneath her scrub top. "What you need is some serious down time. What do ya say?" He noticed how Lori was clearly unsure. Noting it he caught Topher's attention. "Hey! Toph? How do you fancy coming out with me and Lori tomorrow night?"

Topher mulled over his decision for a few moments before he shook his head. "Sorry. Janet and Lynn have this 'fun family time' planned. Already tried getting out of it." He sighed, he could really do with a night away from his hormonal wife.

"It's fine Toph, I don't really want to go out. My head's pounding, I just want to sleep." Lori said, she didn't miss the concerned look on her friend's face as she prepared to get out of the pool and get ready for her shift. Although she stopped as she spotted Jordan Alexander approached them.

"Go out where?" Jordan asked.

"We're going out tonight. Lori's been out of Texas for what? 3 years? We need to celebrate. You in?" TC asked, his head tilting up, Jordan's body shading him from the sun.

"I'm in." Krista called, she had been stood on the side watching Drew train when she caught the tail end of their conversation.

"We'll meet you at the Buck at 9." TC clapped his hands together.

The group of four managed to look up in time for Paul to throw a water bottle, he seemed to have been trying to aim for Drew but he had clearly missed and the bottle had bee thrown past them.

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