Chapter 10

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"Whe-where's the lady?" He asked, teeth gritting against the chill he consumed. "She said- said she'd stay."

"Lo?" Standing up, Jordan scoured the area, she couldn't see Lori. She was coming up right behind the kid, so where was she? "Lori?" Jordan called out. "Where's Lori?" She shouted.

"She hasn't come out of the water, Dr." The Medevac doctor said as he remained seated beside Cameron, the boy.

"She's still in there." Jordan screamed, panic flowing through her body. Different scenarios cursing through her veins.

Without a second thought, Jordan jumped down off the rocky ledge, looking to see if she could see any sign of the Alister she had been friends with for over 9 years.

It was then, she spotted a flash of blonde hair. "Wait! She's down here! Help me pull her out." She called, gaining the other man's attention.

"We'll have to pull her." He explained, his feet firm on the ground as he ducked slightly to reach the drowning figure. Although the risk of a spinal injury was a major concern, making sure Lori was alive was a greater priority.

"Come on Lori. Lauren." Jordan coaxed. Her hand reaching to the water as the medevac doctor dragged Lori by the top of her dark blue scrub top.

Pulling the woman to the hard surface, she surveyed her condition. Her clothes were soaked and her body lifeless. She wasn't breathing.

Putting her emotions away for the moment she turned to all her concentration to Lori. Without another word, Jordan began compressions. 1..2..3..4. Stop. 1..2..3..4. Stop.

A splutter of water came from Lori's mouth, coughing as Jordan rolled her to get the remains of the water from her chest.

Lori was led on her side, fighting between consciousness and unconsciousness. Her head decorated with a gash that stemmed from her hairline and ragged to just above her ear, almost 2 inches.

"Lauren. Lauren!" Jordan shouted, her voice raspy as she willed to keep emotion at bay, two hands on the side of the Alister's face as she tried to coax her awake. "Lori, honey, can you hear me?"

"What do we do Doctor? San Antonio has one major trauma space left." One of the medevac pilots asked, they had two casualties and one team.

In a flash of panic, she screamed. "Get the boy out of here. We'll need another team for Dr Alister. She needs to be in SA Memorial."


Without another word, the boy, Cameron, was airlifted from the site which left Jordan another doctor and Lori on the rocky surface.


"How long was she without oxygen for?" TC panicked. Without oxygen, the pressure of the tumour on top, understanding Lori's situation was paramount. Turning to Lori he asked. "Do you feel sick? Hypoxia? Any indicators of secondary drowning?"

"T. I'm fine." Lori grumbled from the gurney. Her body was still tired and she was feeling a little light headed but other than that she just wanted to change from the wet clothes. "This isn't necessary."

"When your eyes stop moving in opposite directions. I'll tell you your fine." He snapped. Lori had been avoiding for too long, as her friend, T wasn't going to risk anything. "I want a CT."

"What happened?" A voice came out of nowhere. Scott Clemmens. "I heard it over the radio."

Although taken aback by the concern in the man's voice, Lori had been grateful and wanted to thank him bug TC soon put a stop to that.

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