I'm In Keyboarding

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      Hey, I'm in 2nd period (keyboarding) right now and it's seriously fun. I just want to space out and daydream about how much fun I'm gonna have tonight when I get home and log on and chat with my friends! If one of you lucky friends of mine that's out of school is reading this I have one thing to say to you... FUCK YOU!!!!! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND BREAK ME OUT OF SCHOOL!!!! I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING BORED!!!!!!!

      Sigh. I don't hate you, I just really hate being in school right now. It's friday and we're not doing shit all day cause everyone's gone at sport's events. Even Desti's gone. What the fuck am I supposed to do all day? Fuck the student body out of boredom? GUH!!!!!!! My friends are gonna be home hours before school lets out, and I'm stuck in here learning.... ha. Like they could teach me anything.  -_-' Bunny, I know you're going to be reading this eventually, so get your ass here, bring a knife, and help me escape from school. If you don't I refuse to give you carrots tonight and I'll lock you in your cage until Sunday.

      I miss my lover..... oh do people know I have one of those????? Whoops...... if you're reading this...... ignore that sentence or else I'll jump on top of you, slit your throat, and pull out your neck! Love ya. :p I'm gonna go before I tell you about the eng-...... nevermind..... ^.^ You heard nothing!

      -Fayte Out (Secretly Blushing)

      ....P.S. The boy sitting next to me, Kenyon is trying to destroy my innocence! Eeep!

      P.S.S. The song on the side is what I've been listening to for the past hour! It's so fucking addicting! But it makes me wanna do very very naughty things...... *looks at innocently* I sorry...

Its Time Ta Play With FayteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora