The Two Destini's And Any Other Confussion

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       Destini (as everyone knows) is my twin sister. She's bipolar as fuck, and we basically had this HUGE falling out which made the majority of 'the family' hate her guts. So basically she's the reason I haven't been updating. I've been trying though, trust me I have. But, I wanna finish the first family book and get the second up and rolling.... However, I just CAN'T.

       I sit here at my laptop and every time I WANT to type something I just stare at the page, write 5 paragraphs, delete them, and restart. And the reason I delete them is because in my mind I'm trying to write from my twin, who HATES me perspective since I'm dead... and for this story to work she can't hate me. So I came up with a second Destini who's not related to me at all. She was, however; one of my first friends on this site and her user name is Killer_Choco_Bunny atm.

       Please understand this new Destini is NOT the real one, and that she is NOT the one who made me cry for 5 hours straight (ask Honi, it happened! IN HER LIVING ROOM!) and the one who stabbed me in the back more times than I can count. The main reason I recruited a second Destini was so that I could finish the family book without being a bitter bitch. If you hate my twin, don't take it out on the new Desti, she's not the same. I'm gonna go attempt to finish SOMETHING, because all of my books need to be updated, simple as that, this book will be updated more often as well. So if you're waiting for my welcoming back party or whatever, it's coming. Thanks for hanging in there.


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