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when kate's best friend, rosemary,
commits suicide she doesn't know how to move on. so,
in order to cope with the loss, she begins writing letters to
rosemary, and finds herself healing in the process.

this story is dedicated to anyone
who has lost someone to a mental illness.

short story / teen fiction.

start date: august 31st, 2016
end date: july 13th, 2017

author's note

i have a few quick things i'd like to say. firstly, mental health is very
important and should be discussed more because the stigmas around it need to be
dissipated. also, suicide is not the answer. if you're considering it, please get help & call the national suicide prevention lifeline using this number: 1-800-273-8255. lastly, this story means a lot to me & i hope you all enjoy it. please let me know what you think
as you read because i love to see your comments.

— layla n.

[ post script: thank you for 1,000 reads on this story so far!! ]

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