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Peter's POV:

"The elongating of the knife won't be noticeable unless Percy actually uses it?" I'd assume so, but still I have to ask.

"Of course." Mr. Stark looks like I just kicked his puppy or insulted his baby. "Look, Psycho Kil- sorry, Percy, said he was good with swords. So here's a sword." Mr. Stark looks like he's forgotten something, but a moment later I see right through it, "Where did you say you learned sword fighting again?"

Ten minutes earlier he might have answered. Now he stand there, eyes fixed on the weapon, no longer here. I don't know the last time he held a weapon. I don't know what he did the last time he held a weapon. Whatever it is though, I can't help but think his little trip down memory lane isn't exactly pleasant.

Mr. Stark hardly glances at Percy though, he knew his question would go unanswered. He had to have known. Maybe he asked to see how Percy would react, to try and learn something from involuntary reactions. Still, I doubt he expected no reaction at all.

"He didn't." I shoot Mr. Stark a look like one Aunt May might send me. Aunt May. Gone. Not forever. It can't be forever. She wouldn't do that to me, she wouldn't leave me just like I wouldn't leave her. Except didn't I? In a way didn't I already leave her, on that fateful day when I met that fateful spider? I've already left her in every single way that matters in this world. So now I need to find her again. Now I need to bring her back, make her no longer lost. Find her in every way that matters in this world. I need to give her the truth.

You can never trust the truth. It taps you on the shoulder and whispers that It needs to be shouted. It climbs into your ear and murmurs that It can never be said. It screams that you need to speak up, you need to tell someone, that if you keep this to yourself It'll kill you. It pulls your words back into your mouth as you're about to speak them, tells you if you ever try and speak It they'll kill you. I'll kill you or they'll kill you, It giggles. I'll kill you or they will.

"Captain Rogers, you're supposed to meet Remix at 12:00 noon, so we'll send Percy in ninety minutes before, at 10:30. With any luck Remix will think Percy is Captain America and accidentally tip her hand to him. We can't put any sort of video feed on him but a tracker that could have been placed on anyone outside, haphazardly on his shoe, will be in place." I address Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner, and Captain Rogers, who must have come in when I wasn't paying attention. Now though I have to speak to Percy, hoping that I gave him enough time to come back, "Percy. In order for any of this to mean anything you need to get out and meet us at the corner of 9th and 37th before 11:30. If for whatever reason you don't make it, or you have someone trailing you go down to 12th and 37th. If you feel like you're in to much danger to make either of the rendezvous points do you feel comfortable enough in Queens to get yourself out?"

"Yeah. I'll just come to the giant building with the glowing name." Percy shrugs. He'll be fine if he can stay out of his head. But I guess that's true for us, we're fighters but if we're alone, if our thoughts get to loud, if we listen to our thoughts. If we can't keep fighting we can't keep going. The adrenaline. The danger. The split second decisions. That's what we live for. It keeps us moving so fast, thinking so quickly, that if we try to stop for even a moment there isn't time. No time to think. No time to realize that without the adrenaline, without the danger, without the split second decisions we're nothing. We can't keep going. To keep going we have to be going, never stopping, never slowing down. Not even for a second. We have to go and go and go and go and go until we die.

Because that's the only way for this to stop. The only way for any of this to stop. Death is the end, right? And for this there can be no other end. Our lives might throw us a scrap once in a while, maybe even more scraps than an average human get but our lives take and take until we have nothing left but the hunger in our stomachs. The hunger that only ending can fulfill. And remember, the only end is death. No matter what they try and tell you. This isn't something you retire from. This isn't something you walk away from. This is the best it will ever get. This is the worst it could ever be. Stop and take a picture, it'll be gone in a moment. Whoops, it's already gone. Nothing is ever longer than a moment or shorter than a lifetime.

"Did we ever decide who is going to in get your aunt Peter?" Captain Rogers asks.

"It sort of depends. If Percy thinks that you can handle Remix on your own, as in he thinks she's no threat at all we'll send you in alone. Otherwise I'll come in with you. If he thinks it's an ambush that will result in certain death Mr. Stark will come as well." I shrug. "I'd like it better if we could keep Captain Rogers as backup as well, but we're already breaking enough of the terms Remix laid out."

"When did you become a leader." Mr. Stark gives me a long look.

"Last night." I turn to the window, watching the cars and the people. Everyone going about their little lives, trying to pretend they aren't little at all, trying to make themselves believe they are big. I'd love to be little. I'd love for everyone to see me, to see those I love and just keep walking. I want to be someone who isn't seen at all. But we never get what we want, or I don't at least. The universe is nice like that.

"An hour isn't very long." Percy sounds concerned but I don't turn from the window. I'm not ready to face them, not yet.

"In order for this to mean anything Remix has to be ready for Captain Rogers to show up. In a perfect world she might even mistake you for him. If you show up to early she's not going to show herself, but people arrive to meetings like this early all the time. An hour and a half is pushing it, but we have to try." There are flaws in my plan. So so many flaws. What is Remix isn't there? What if she's rigged the entire building to blow up the moment someone steps foot inside? What if she doesn't let Percy leave, if she takes him as a second hostage? What if Captain Rogers misjudged her and my aunt is already dead? What if this is all a trap.

"We'll find your aunt Peter. We'll bring her home." If I'd turned around Percy would probably be smiling encouragement at me. As it is all I hear is words, words I can only hope aren't empty. "And Steve, we'll find Joselyn too. This time I promise she'll get true justice."

"Nice speech Jackson." Mr. Stark has stopped calling Percy Psycho Killer Kid but I guess Percy is just to much for him, "Now how about you go try and act on those words?"

Holy moly Bex is good with words
Anyways I get the honor of publishing this since Bex is currently unavailable so sorry about all the unswered comments and dms... I could rp as her and see how that works :3
Also since I'm publishing I get to read the chapters early so ha :P (don't ask for spoilers though cause I have had to wait too; until just now that is)
Totally abusing my privileges rn

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