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Peter's POV:

For a moment nothing happens. And then she appears.

She's smaller than I pictured her, even if her file said 4 11" there's no way she's over 4 7". And she's cute. Bear hugs, hands over face bright red with embarrassment, giant bags of candy on your birthday cute. Not the sort of person who would kidnap someone. Not someone who would ever hurt another human being. 

But then again there are some things you can't come back from. There are some things that change you, some things that become you because if they didn't they would destroy you. And I should know better than anyone that just because a person doesn't look the part doesn't mean that they aren't. 

"Not going to lie," Remix's voice startles me. It too is soft, sweet. A vague accent. South American. Pretty. Not like a villains. That doesn't mean she's not though, "I thought two genius's would've been able to figure out what was going on. You did manage to prove my point rather nicely though."

Someone has to respond and right now it can't be me. Which means it has to be Mr. Stark.

"And your point is?" He asks.

"What you just proved." For a criminal who holds the lives of five people in her hands she doesn't sound very threatening. More like a teenager who's messing with you just for a laugh. Mr. Stark might not know this type but I do. It's the same thing I've watched people do at school for years. So I turn her words around.

"Not going to lie," I smirk, trying not to have a care in the world, "I thought that an escaped convict who has kidnapped and innocent victim and attacked four other people would have a slightly better response than "what you just proved."" I add more of a whine to her voice than what was there. I acknowledge Percy's existence. I take a risk. 

"I don't have to explain myself to you." But a note of something that sounds almost like fear has entered Remix's voice. 

"No, you don't." Mr. Stark jumps in, "You know why? Because we already know. We know that you were a quiet girl who was afraid to open her mouth. We know that you wanted to please people, do the "right thing". We know you got thrown in prison for something you didn't do. We know you broke yourself out in a case that baffled anyone who saw it. We know you disappeared. You found a mentor. Someone who gave you a mission, a job. So tell me, what are you going to do to us? Because that's just about all we don't know." There's enough snark in his voice to hide the fact that he's speaking facts told to him by Jarvis. Enough to throw her off her game. Enough to make her believe we already know everything. 

"That's not true!" But now she sounds almost afraid.

"Yes." Mr. Stark grins, going for the kill, "Yes it is." 

"I'm doing this to help people." Remix is afraid. But that doesn't mean she isn't dangerous.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"You have to die, you know." She sounds almost apologetic, "It'll be quick, I promise. I don't know about painless, because, you know, well you can't really ask anyone. But it probably will be. And if what you've been saying is true, that you just want to help people, then you should know this is the best way to do it."

"How will us being dead help you at all?" I try and sound reasonable, unafraid. 

"Not me." Remix smiles, "The whole world. Because we all know that what's wrong with the world isn't villains. They wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the heroes."

I don't know how to respond. I don't know how to tell her that all I've ever wanted to do is help, help make it so that maybe no one else has to see what I have, make it so that maybe no one else has to go through this pain, make it so the world is just a little bit kinder, a little bit safer, a little bit better. But I don't know how to say it, I don't know how to say a single word. I don't think anyone could. And so I just stand there. Not speaking. Not saying a word. Not know what will come next.

"Not true."Mr. Stark replies finally. But even he doesn't look convinced. And in that moment I know that if something doesn't change, if a new variable isn't introduced, if the data is right we aren't getting out of this. Because Remix has something we need. And it's something I'm willing to die for. Someone.

And then I see him. The uncalculated variable. The change. The new data. 

Percy. Looking battered, but alive. Although undoubtedly lucky on that account. 

I try to keep my face blank, not show what I'm seeing. Not let Her know he's here. But the eyes on my suit are less under my control then I'd like. When they widen I can't help it. And Remix can't help but see. 

Remix turns. There's no panic in her step. That's enough to put a little panic into me. Because she had to have known Percy was here, and if she isn't at least a little worried then she must have a reason to believe he isn't a threat.

The worst part is that I don't really have a reason to believe he isn't.

"So," Her voice, so childlike, has a hint of menace now, "have you made your choice Percy?" Remix smiles. Percy smiles back. 

I truly believed we could trust him. That he was different. That he wouldn't betray us. Betray me. I guess I was wrong. 

"Yeah." Percy drew his weapon effortlessly, "Yeah. I have."

"I really wish you hadn't done that." A gun practically materializes in Remixs hand, "Now I'm going to have to kill all of you."

Instead to pointing her weapon at me, or Mr. Stark or Percy Remix points it towards the one person in the room who can't defend themself. My aunt.

And then I know. I guess I knew from the start, but didn't want to believe it. I know that we aren't all getting out of this, probably. But I know for certain that Remix will not leave this room alive. 


You are indeed welcome for this chapter. A person invited me to do stuff tonight but I didn't just to write this. So you're welcome. Also thank you to the peoples who got random and really weird questions from me.

You are also welcome because I almost put "Mwahaha you thought I was going to betray you and side with the enemy but actually I'm going to draw my weapon and try and kill the person trying to kill you you're welcome aren't I fabulous" In here as a reaction to Joselyn asking Percy if he's chosen a side. If there were blooper reels for stories this chapter would win.

Also fun fact if you can't write get the mail eat food drink water and pet cats because something in there works I'm just not entirely sure what.

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