Jordan's New Purpose

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Hello, everyone! I am back with another chapter of The Summer I Fell in Love. I have had a bit of the writing bug lately, and have some ideas for future chapters. As always, thank you for reading, and remember, please RATE, REVIEW, and FOLLOW. Enjoy!

Jordan's POV (Two weeks following injury):

For the past two weeks, I have been lounging around Nick's bungalow, per the orders of the doctor, and my worrisome fiancee. Nick was hardly letting me out of his sight, and has had me stay at his house. Not that I minded, I was growing quite tired of the bitterness of the Buchanan's house across the bay. It was nice to be surrounded by such love, warmth, and devotion for a change.

I was finally allowed to take off that silly sling that the doctor had me wear for a little over a week. It was truly embarrassing, and I hated that Nick had to see me with that god-awful thing on my arm. Of course, he always told me that "He found me beautiful no matter what". What a lovely man he is, I thought as I was lying on the sofa.

I never truly realized how much I value my hobbies and independence since my injury. I couldn't go anywhere during the day while Nick was at work, and really couldn't do much around the house, and I certainly could not play an ounce of golf. My days for the past two weeks have revolved around Nick. I would simply wait for hours until I would hear his car come up the driveway. That moment had become the highlight of my days. I look over at the clock and see how much longer I had to wait until Nick came home. It was ten o'clock now, and Nick wouldn't be home until about five. Thankfully, I had a doctors appointment for a follow up on my wrist at eleven. It certainly wasn't the most exciting thing, but at least it was something.

Eleven o'clock had rolled around, and the cab I called dropped me off in front of the hospital to see my doctors. I got right in and sat on the exam table waiting for the doctor to see me.

While I was waiting, I got another one of my nauseous spells. I had been getting them off and on for the past week. I didn't tell Nick, because the last thing I want to do is worry him. I figured that I must of caught a little bug, and it was nothing to worry about. The doctor came in and immediately looked at me with concern.

"Miss. Baker, are you feeling alright? You are looking awfully pale."

"Well I've been doing okay, my wrist seems to be healing, however I have been getting these little spells of nausea over the past week."

He nodded his head, and grabbed my hand to examine my wrist.

"Well, good news Miss. Baker, your wrist seems to be doing very well. However, since the golfing season is almost over, I would still like you to take a break and wait until next season to begin your training again."

I sighed slightly, as that was the news that I didn't want to hear. I felt that without golf and with Nick at work, I had no purpose. It was great that my wrist was on the mend, however, I wanted to get right back into the game, and show the competition that I was still a woman not to be reckoned with. As I began to leave the examining room, the doctor wanted to give me an examination to see why I was feeling so nauseous these past few weeks.

He began to feel around my abdomen, and asked if I was in any pain. I replied with a no, and then his questions got a little more personal.

"Miss. Baker, when was the last time you had your monthly cycle?"

I looked at him, slightly surprised at the question.

"Well doctor, now that I think about it, I should have gotten it about two weeks ago. I haven't thought much of it because of my injury. All of this stress must have something to do with it, right?"

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