Mother of the Century

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Hello, everyone! Here is Chapter 21 of The Summer I Fell in Love. I realized before writing this I hadn't included much of Catherine and the "family life" in the past few chapters, and I really miss that aspect! So, this chapter is sort of taking a break from conflict, and just have some fluffy, family time! I hope you enjoy, and if you do, please RATE, REVIEW, and FOLLOW this story. Enjoy!

Jordan's POV:

The nights leading to my mothers arrival were sleepless, and quite frankly, miserable. I was hardly sleeping or eating, and Catherine was definitely starting to pick up on my anxiety. She too was more fussy than usual, and has been fairly restless at night. At least during those sleepless nights, I had a sweet, little companion.

It was two in the morning, and I had on the light on my nightstand, and was reading Nick's novel that was being released very soon. It's a collection of short stories that ranged from romance, to drama, to mystery. He was thinking about calling them Tales of the Jazz Age, which I think is a great title. Hopefully, they'll be on the shelves soon. I look to my left and see my sleeping husband. I am so proud of him, and all that he has done. He has been writing up a storm, providing for our family, has been an amazing husband, and doting father. You really couldn't ask for a greater man.

Just as I was turning the page of my book, I hear off in the distant nursery my little Catherine. This was the fifth time she had been crying this evening, and I honestly think that the poor girl could sense the anxiety in our usually happy little home.

However, the second I step into Catherine's nursery, I am overcome with serenity and warmth. Whenever I am around my baby, my fears and troubles seem to disappear. I walk towards the crib, and my little Catherine Jane is all swaddled up, and fussing about.

I reach into the crib and take her in my arms; "What is the matter my sweet Kitty Catherine?"

Nick had given Catherine the nickname of "Kitty" these past few weeks, because he claims that when she is fussing and wants to eat, she sounds like a little kitten. I wasn't too crazy about it, but I have to admit, it was a cute little nickname for such a cute baby.

I placed Catherine on my chest, and her head in the crook of my neck. She still continued to wail, and was growing even more restless.

"Oh my Catherine, what is the matter my sweet baby? Tell mummy all about it..." I cooed at her sympathetically.

I changed her diaper, and still, no change. She continued to cry and cry.

"Oh Catherine Jane Carraway I wish you could tell me what you needed my dear..." I said as I continued to rock her.

I paced around the nursery, and then decided that she might be hungry. I began to breastfeed her, and still, Ms. Catherine was as fussy as ever.

I was growing impatient now. I had barely gotten any sleep these past few nights, and as much as I loved my daughter, I felt that nothing that I was doing was making her happy. I sat down in the rocking chair in the corner by the window, and tried to rock her. Her tears were still flowing, and then, I felt my own tears roll down my cheeks. Was I even a good mother? Am I failing my sweet little Catherine? What if I turn out to be as bad as my own mother? Those were all of the negative thoughts rolling through my head as Catherine continued to cry. I tried to hush her down, but at this point, I needed someone to calm me down too.

Nick's POV:

As I was laying in a deep sleep, something didn't feel right. The right side of the bed felt cold and empty. My eyes fluttered open, and my eyes were blinded by Jordan's light on her nightstand. However, there was no Jordan in our room. I sat up, and saw my book left open about halfway through on Jordan's side of the bed. I smiled to myself. She has had to have read that book at least a dozen times already. She is such a wonderful wife, and so supportive, I am so lucky to have her in my life.

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