Chapter Four

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It's 11:23. No one has come yet. Are they late? Are they lost? Is this just a joke?

Around 1:54, Dane spots two horses coming from the East. The men who were riding approached the stables.

"They came two hours late," one of them barely chokes out. He helps Dane lift the bag over the larger horse. The other man lifts the other bag onto the smaller horse.

"We tried to hurry to make up some of the time," the other man gasps.

"Well, it's 1:55, so you helped gain five minutes." Dane says.

"Well, you guys are ready. Just keep heading West, and you will find the stops," the first man says.

"Thank you," I whisper as the second man helps me onto the smaller horse. For some reason, I recognize his face. "Daniel!" I exclaim.

He kisses me on the cheek, smiles, and slaps the horse's rear. Dane is already stepping out of the stables.

Now I never had anything with Daniel. He was just a good friend while I was growing up. He actually lived in the hotel, after his father died. His mom was so weak, she passed right before Thomas and Mary.

I didn't think that I would ever see him again, after I left.

It didn't take long for me to catch up to Dane. I was a lot lighter, and I was putting less weight on my horse.

"Race ya?" I could barely hear him because of the wind.

"You're on!" And just like that, I sped ahead. I must've gained at least fifteen feet when I looked back at him.

We rode along, going at least 40 miles an hour. I almost felt bad for the horses, but this was so much fun. To feel the breeze around my head. There was no hair in the way. I put my hand on my hat in attempt to keep it from falling off.


When we reached the stop, I knew immediately that it was for the Pony Express. A man was sitting on the porch, waiting. Two horse were standing about 10 feet away from him.

"Running a little late?" Was all he could say, before Dane and I nodded in return, switched the horses, and were back on the trail.

We traded out the horses four more times, until we finally reached the 75 mile mark.

"Wow, guys, you're an hour early. You guys weren't supposed to be here until 4pm!" The boy who spoke looked really young. Dane helped him put the mail on his horse. It was then when I realized just how strong Dane is.

I helped a bulk man lift the mail off my horse, and onto his. And as quickly as we'd come, they'd gone.

"Wow, can you believe it? We took the horses and went from two hours late to an hour ahead!" Dane was filled with excitement. Without warning, he pulled me into a hug. Dane smelled so good. He's so perfect. I think I might be in love with him.


"Man, they weren't messin' when they made you a cook!" Dane took a big bite into a piece of chocolate cake. They didn't leave me much to work with, but luckily I can improvise when it comes to baking. "Man, you have to teach me how to make this."

"Maybe someday..." I smile, earning a heart melting grin back. I would prefer not to give him a great view of my small, girly hands.

"So, what else can you make, Austin?" Dane put down his fork, folded his hands, and leaned on his elbows.

"Well, I really enjoy making muffins with chocolate chips in them." I really did. The hotel offered breakfast to those who spent the night. That's also how I learned how to make pancakes.

"Man, that sounds delicious. So who was that guy, Daniel, I think his name was."

"Yeah, his name is Daniel. My foster parents were his aunt and uncle."

"Okay." Thank god he didn't mention Daniel kissing me on the cheek.

"Well, we just have to stay here for the next 8 days, waiting for the people to come back" I read off of the paper.

"You should know that I'll be expecting home cooked meals every night now!" Dane laughed. I giggled along with him.

And that's how the rest of the night went. We both were cracking jokes, laughing our heads off, and doing the dishes.

Dane is really awesome. He is strong, handsome, funny, kind, efficient, and so many more words that aren't in the dictionary yet. I really wish that he knew that I am a girl. I don't want him to get mad at me if he ever finds out. It's not like I can keep it from him forever...

"So there's a town up the road." Dane said, breaking my thoughts.


"Yeah, I've been there before. It's a pretty cool place. Maybe we could go get dinner there sometime?" He suggested.

"Sure. I really need a break. I feel like I'm spend more time in this kitchen than the bed here!" We laughed. I feel really comfortable around Dane.

"Yeah, sorry about that," he smiled, "and it's getting late. You should get to sleep."

"What about you? You've been doing just as much work as I have, with the dishes."

"Alright, I'll go to sleep but only if you do."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, but smiled. I walked into my room, and laid down. My hat was still on.

"Do you always sleep like that?" Dane was standing in the doorway.

"Go to sleep..." I threw my pillow at him. I didn't use it, anyway.

"Goodnight..." He turned, and left.

So close.

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