Chapter Seven

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I cried. I don't care if Dane was listening.

"Uh, what's your real name?" Dane's voice came through the door.

"Emma," I whispered.

"Well, Emma, I guess an explination was in order?"

"Yeah. My parents died when I was little. Thomas and Mary took me in. They owned a hotel. A couple of months ago, they died. I took what I could carry, and left. They guy who kissed me on the cheek was their nephew, Daniel. He was my best friend growing up, but he's too young for me, so we are just friends. So, yeah."

I told him about how I used to play the piano and cook for the guests. Also, I told him about my pet dog, Macey.

"So, what's your story?" I asked Dane. He cleared his throat.

"Well, my parents died when I was only a week old, so my uncle took me in. He was an alcoholic. He died when I was only five. After that, I met Shay. She convinced her parents to give me a job. I thought she was my best friend, but then she changed. Shay was all over me, and I didn't like it. I saw the paper about the Pony Express, and I left."

I reached for the doorknob above my head, and turned it. I moved out of the way as it creaked open.

Dane's face was only inches from mine. This was the first time that I actually got a good look at his eyes.

"Emma, I had no idea what love is. But I think that now, I know."

My brain was moving so slow. Before I had time to process what he said, his lips were on mine.

His lips tasted sweet. At first, everything was slow and peaceful, until I slid my body around the door to meet his.

Dane held me in his arms. His arms were so firm and strong that I felt like I could stay here forever and never leave.

"I love you," Dane whispered.

"I love you, too," I whispered back.


When I woke up, I was in Dane's bed. His arms were wrapped around my waist. He looked so peaceful in his sleep.

I must've fallen asleep last night while he was holding me. So sweet of him to carry me to the bed.

"Are you awake?" Dane whispered.

"Yeah," I whispered back.

"You meant what you said last night, about loving me?"

"Of course, Dane. I love you more than anyone else in the whole world."

"Me too. It just feels weird, to finally have a purpose in life."

"I know." I smiled. No one ever told me they loved me except for Mary, afted I found out that she wasn't my real mother.

I sat up, and brought my feet to the floor. "Where are you going?" Dane asked.

"To make breakfast. We have to ride today," I replied. I walked into the kitchen. There were the ingredients to make pancakes again. There's chocolate chips in the other cupboard. Chocolate chip pancakes!

I heard Dane pacing in his room. When I looked in the crack of the door, I noticed that his hand was on his forehead.


"Yeah?" I replied.

"Whatcha making?" Dane stepped into the room and grabbed two plates out of the cupboard.

"Chocolate chip pancakes."

"Mmmm, my favorite," he smiled, "they should be here around ten a.m. today."

"Okay," I said, stirring the mix.

We were silent as Dane set the small table with plates, forks, and cups.

I poured a small amount of batter onto the pan over the stovetop. When little bubbles formed on the top, I flipped the pancake over.

Dane's hands found their way to my waist. He cuddled up against me. It wasn't perverted in anyway. It was sweet. The perfect moment for it.

I nestled my head into his shoulder, keeping one eye on the pancake. Dane kissed my neck. These are all firsts for me. I just hope he's the one...

After all the pancakes were done, Dane pulled himself off of me. I carried the plate of pancakes over to the table and sat down.

Everything was so quiet. I really didn't really want much to change between us. Except for the part about him kissing me. Dane would never do that if I was a boy.

He also took it well, when he found out I was a girl. That was a huge relief.

Checking the time, I carried my plate to the wash bowl. We still have an hour.

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