Chapter Eight

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Dane told me that he was going to the well to fill up our canteens. I did the dishes with the rest of the water we had.

By the time Dane came back, the dishes were put away, and we carried our bags to the stable, the riders would be expected to arrive in fifteen minutes.

We saddled up the horses, and brought them out. Dane pushed my braid under my hat. "Thanks," I said. I completely forgot about my hair.

I could hear horses running in the distance. My head snapped to meet.the source. The men were approaching.

When they were close enough, I heard one yell, "Did ya hear? The first trip left two hours late, yet it arrived one hour early, thanks to you guys!"

Wow. Dane and I made up all the lost time, and gained an extra hour.

One of the men lifted the mail off his horse and onto mine. And like that, Dane and I were gone.

Sorry this chapter is really short... And thanks again guys for reading this far I know history is boring haha. Anyway I love yall so much!!!So I was wondering which story I should publish first: the story about a Disney actress, or the story of the Marvel actress? Please comment!!!

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