Chapter Eighteen

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***Next Day***

Basket in hand, I walked back into the bedroom. Wesley was still asleep.

"Babe, I'm going to go to the market for some flour," I said.

"Mhmm," Wesley said. I kissed him on the cheek, and walked out.

Our house was only a few minutes' walk from the market. It's only 6:45. I figured that I should buy the grocieries before I see Dane.

After I picked up everything and payed, I felt someone's hands pn my waist. I spun around.

"Dane!" I said, barely audibly. He stretched his arms out and I hugged him. He kissed the top of my head.

"I missed you. There is so much we need to talk about. First of all, Shay and I are engaged," Dane pulled away and scratched the back oh his neck.

"Oh, that's good. I'm engaged to a guy named Wesley."

"Oh..." Dane sighed. We were silent. I could already tell that he really doesn't want to marry Shay.

"The wedding's in," I coughed, "eight days... You can probably come, if you really want to."

"Yeah, sure, if I'm still in town..." He trailed off. Now I feel terrible. But he's engaged to Shay, anyway.

It was an akward silence. "Can we talk more, in private?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said, leading him to the field, even further away from mine and Wesley's house.

"Emma, I still love you. I'm being completely honest when I say I don't want to marry Shay. And if you love Wesley that much, then I'm leaving. It will hurt too much."

"Dane, I still love you too. But it's not like I can just break up with Wesley... Well..." I thought about it. I could, but then everyone would be so mad and confused.

"Run away with me. We can ride the horses as fast as we used to. You won't have to tell anyone anything. It'll be just you and me. No Shay, no Wesley." I nodded. Dane leaned in and kissed me. I forgot just hpw much ibloved kissing Dane.

"At midnight, meet me here. I'll bring my horse, and you can bribg yours." And with that, I walked away. I'm going to have to pack.

Wesley has to meet up with some rich guy. That'll be the perfect time to pack.

Oh snap haha. You guys can still comment so I can change the ending. I have a way for Emma to get Dan and a way for her to get Wesley...

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