» Why can't you hear me? «

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mom, why can't you see me?
I'm standing in front of you
screaming at the top of my lungs
and I'm trying to comfort you too

you are crying
and I don't know why
please tell me the reason
please stop to cry

this is tearing me apart
I can't take it anymore
I'm finally breaking
I'm falling down to the floor

for you can't hear my screams
or my comforting words
not even feel arms
as they embrace you in a hug

I see how you and dad
both sit on the couch
crying together
god, I wish I could rewind

start over again
undo things I've done
because I know I'm the reason
for your fallen tears tonight

I can't reach you
because I'm only an alone soul that was sent
away from the world
because my heart couldn't mend

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