07 | All that is Sweet is not Candy.

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The British Accent 🇬🇧

11 June, 7:23a.m.

Dear Diary,
Yes, I know I said that would be the last time I'd ever use the 'dear diary' line, but mother saw the last entry and she said it was unethical or 'unconventional' rather as she had so nicely put it. She reminded me of famous diary keepers like Anne Frank who had started their entries with the blasted two-worded phrase. I simply scoffed. Besides, Anne Frank was a crazy young lass, brave yes, but crazy enough to refer to her diary as 'Kitty'.
All in all, she wanted me to treat you like a close friend. Like a living entity.
Fortunately, as I happen to be the only sane person in my delusional family, I will be doing none of the sort. I will start the entries with 'dear diary', but you won't be seeing any 'feelings', 'emotions' or 'secrets' in here - not that I have any. I will treat you like the wretched, godforsaken, inanimate clump of wasted paper that you are. All being said, I wish you a tearable day.

• • •

"Your bag, Mr Theodore."

He holds out the gray Jansport through the passenger door, dangling it from his index finger.

"Thanks Bart. Uh, you'll be here at two thirty, yeah?" I ask him as I take the bag from his finger, slinging it over my shoulder.

He nods curtly in his usual manner before shutting the door and driving out into the road. I push up my glasses as I tread the stone path to the school entrance. The grass surrounding the school seems yellow and dry, scattered with dead leaves, oak trees and chattering students yet to begin their classes.

As I ascend the small flight of stairs, I look up to the tall wooden pair of doors on which the emblem of the school is clearly shown. The emblem consists of an open book and signature geek glasses, all enclosed by a circle. The pink font of the letters stands out against the light polished wood.

The entire entrance is framed by two large Corinthian pillars both engraved deeply with intricate designs

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The entire entrance is framed by two large Corinthian pillars both engraved deeply with intricate designs. My arm brushes lightly against one of the pillars when I reach the linoleum floored landing.

Walking through the massive doors, I am greeted by an even greater cacophony of locker slamming, student chatter and the ever present buzz of teenage exuberance. A normal Monday morning.

"Theo! "A female voice squeals suddenly and a few seconds later, two dainty arms wrap themselves around my jacket clad torso. "Oh, I heard about the fire. Are you okay?"

I smile when I recognize the owner of the voice and turn around to place my chin on her fiery head. "I'm fine Rii, the fire didn't hurt a hair on my head."

Kirrily reels back her head as she stares at me through her pink glasses. "I was so worried Theodore. Imagine the shock on my face when I was watching this new episode of botched on the E! channel and suddenly, the breaking news pops up. The first thing I notice is that's Theodore's party. Then I see people being evacuated and I calm down a bit. But then I don't see you anywhere and I'm like where's Theodore? Then the fire..."

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