13 | Four Asterisks

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It's been only two days since the humiliating videos. Humiliating videos that destroyed my reputation.

The day after which was a Sunday, Mom cornered me again for a 'talk'. She said that she was worried. She said that she cared for her country but she cared more for her children and if it meant losing the election then so be it.

Once again, she asked if there was a problem. She asked why she had woken up that morning to the annoying sound of notifications only to see the horrifying videos.

And I told her.

I told her about the Skittles and how I always managed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I told her about the Shawn Mendes incident and how it led me to the sick bay. I told her about Theodore.

"Theodore?" She said when I told her, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Why, that's Mr Miller's son. He's so gentle. He would never."

I didn't expect her to believe me. I couldn't even blame her. Theodore did give off a calm and gentle aura. His face alone was stunning, almost perfect. Anyone would think he didn't have a fault in his life.

I didn't make any effort to convince her after that. I was overcome with so many emotions. Sadness. Anger. Shame. Later that day, Katherine came to pick me up. She said that she knew what happened and that practicing for the talent show would take my mind of things. She was wrong.

My mind was still a mess when I got home and an even bigger mess when I tried to sleep.

Now, as I stare at the school building in front of me, my mind is tired. My whole body aches from lack of rest. I don't let it bother me too much though because today is important.

Today would mark the beginning of something new. It would be the day that everything changes. The day that I wouldn't give a fuck.

Because when we think about it, it all comes down to that. One's happiness almost entirely depends on the amount of fucks given. Fucks, though aesthetic, are irreplaceable assets. If we give them so often, we would eventually be left with nothing. We would be empty.

So today, I walk towards the school doors with one resolution in my mind.

Fucks will only be given when necessary. To give a fuck or not to give a fuck. That is the real question.

Slowly, I trudge my feet to the door and in one quick motion, I open it. Immediately I set my foot on the floor, it's like a scene from a typical teen movie where the main character passes through and everyone stares. Except with me, it's the entire school, teachers included. All whispering and pointing fingers.

I continue on to my locker at the far end of the hallway, eyes looking forward. When I finally reach it, I meet a very bothered Katherine waiting there.

"Sophia, thank god you're here," she says, her words rushed and her breath rapid. "There's been a little problem. The talent show, it's today."

I scrunch my eyebrows, confused. "What? What do you mean it's today?"

"The planning committee made the announcement this morning. And no, it wasn't because of any difficulties. It was because they wanted it to be impromptu. They want to see the 'real' talent," she says, making air quotes with her fingers.

"That's... really bad news. How do they expect anyone to even participate. This is such a shock."

"But it's not so bad," she says, her hands gesturing frantically. " We practiced good on Sunday. We basically know the whole song. We just need a little brush up, that's all."

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