20 | A Dawning

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We had been on the road for quite a while. The road ahead had begun to clear up and with it came an uncomfortable silence that had settled with us for the rest of the journey. I had distracted myself with my fingers, choosing to focus on my overgrown nails rather than our proximity.

Theodore drove with a look of certainty on his face, like he knew exactly where we were going and what we were going to do when we got there. For a while, I had wondered what went on in the mysterious mind of his, if at all he was just as affected by the silence.

"We're here," he says, parking at the side of what looks like the back of an abandoned warehouse. The building has dusty windows and chipped walls with graffiti on them.

"Where are we?"

Theodore turns the key and pulls it out, killing the engine. "This is the spot where Bart and I dropped Kirrily everyday after school. She never let us beyond this point. She would get out of the car, wave at us and disappear round the corner of this warehouse."

I open the door and step out of the car, taking in my surroundings. It's as if this warehouse marked the entry into the less prettier side of town. A side I didn't even know existed. The land after the warehouse is mostly an uneven expanse of grass with random buildings littered here and there. The roads are also in poor condition, the broken white lines on them barely visible.

"I don't see why we can't just take this to the police," I reason, feeling a little intimidated by the environment.

"Come on Sophia," Theodore says, slamming the car door shut. "We both know they won't help. Not that they're unwilling but there's little evidence and they won't make efficient use of it. We're the only ones who can really do something about it."

I nod and turn my head away briefly, hoping he doesn't catch the pink staining my cheeks. I never thought much of my intelligence. I just knew that while certain things were difficult for people, they were very easy for me. It was something I used to get by, never really working on it. Not that I even had time to. I was always distracted by my busy life that centred around my mom's public status and my passion for sugar.

"Besides, I don't think Kirrily would appreciate it," he continues. "It is her father we're talking about."

I nod grudgingly and follow him as he begins to walk towards the corner of the warehouse. The space behind the warehouse is just as empty with only a few buildings and grass that seems to go on for miles.

"So this is the plan. There's isn't much residence here," he motions to the obviously empty space. "So we're going to be walking for a bit...what is it?" He asks when he notices the sudden frown on my face.

"I'm definitely not walking. Not this long distance, hell no."

He laughs. "Not exactly surprised. All that poison sucrose you love so much," he says, bringing a hand to his stubbly chin. "It's not that long though, I think. We'll be there before you know it. If push comes to shove, I can always carry you."

"Really?" I ask immediately, surprising myself at how desperate I sound.

"Not a chance," Theodore chuckles, before continuing down the grassy path. "Come on, we don't have all day."

I sigh and palm my face that had become pink all over with embarrassment.

Real smooth, Goldilocks.

I had sounded like the girls in school who fawned over Theodore without shame, the desperation so very apparent in my voice.

Theodore continues down the plain, walking a few feet in front of me, a resolved look on his face like the one he had in the car, ascending and descending each slope with surety and confidence. Fifteen minutes in and my legs have decided that they've had enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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