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David pov

I handed Liza my flannel because I saw her getting picked on by the other boys. And to be honest I felt kinda special. I mean I was the boy that helped her out and didn't make fun of her. Plus I didn't shutter what so ever. This day was going pretty good for me so far.

It was now lunch. I walk out of my class and see everyone going the opposite way of the lunch room. And as curious as I am I have to follow. I finally see what people are looking at and my jaw jobs to the floor. There was a group of girls ganged up on Liza. She had bruises everywhere. I have never seen her this bad.

The fight finally ends when Alex, Heath, Zane,Scott,toddy,dom pull apart not only the girls but the same guys that were whistling at Liza earlier plus Gabbie because she was beening fisty with the girls that hurt Liza.

Heath and Alex pick up Liza and we all meet in "the spot" in the tree house in the woods out side of school. I didn't know where it was until Scott explained it to me. And only we know about it.

We got Liza into the tree house safely and once I got into the tree house I could not believe my eyes. The tree house was huge and can fit more that just all of us and there was so much food. It has 3 stories. This is a legit tree house.

Liza pov

I walk out of my class about to head to lunch but then I remembered that I have to get one more book from my other class. I was getting my book and I got a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Emily, Blake, and adison the three biggest bitches and sluts in the school. I may or may not have a huge fear of them but Gabbie the only on that knows that.

Emily: I see you hanging around that new kid. Back off the new bees are my victims not yours.

Emily tries to have sex with all the new kids before anyone else so that she can clam them for her own. She's an animal. She's a bitch.

Liza: he's not mine. You can have him

That hurt my a little inside.

Emily: better be. So Liza how's your dad?

That really pissed me off. No one may talk about my dad and get away with it. I push her off. That was my first mistake.

The next thing I know Emily and her gang pushed me down and we're punching me over and over again in the same spots. It got hard to breathe. I blacked out.

David pov

I get a bottle of water from my back pack and hand it to Alex to splash on lizas face so she can come to. She did. She started to open her eyes. We sat her up against the wall so she could drink the rest of the water.

Gabbie: what did they say to you this time?

I had no idea that this has happened to Liza before I mean ya I just met her but I could have never saw this coming.

I noticed that Liza gave Gabbie a certain look and Gabbie just nodded like she knew. They have some serect girl code which I assume most girls do.

Gabbie: in gonna take Liza home. She needs her rest more than anything.

We all walked Liza and Gabbie to gabbies car. I closed the door for Liza and Liza and I just stared at each other. Liza smiled like she was ok but I know she's not but I can't let her know that I know that so I smile back.

After school

I walk on my way home and I see gabbies car parked in a driveway. I assume it's Liza because where else would Gabbie be right now. Plus I never knew that Liza lived so close to me. Probably because I've only drove her once and that was at night.

I walk to the door and knock. A few seconds later Gabbie opens the door.

Gabbie: why are you here?

David:I ...uh ...i.. came

Gabbie: you take to long

She said that why she pulled me in. I walked into the house and I saw Liza on the couch. She seemed ok and lots better. She turned around and smiled at me. God I love that smile.

Liza: hi

David: I..I won't stay lo..ng if you don't.. want. I.. uh just came to see if you were ok.

I said that last part really fast because I knew I was taking forever.

She smiled again.

Liza: thank you for coming and you may stay if you want.

I smile then I remembered that I have lizas homework that she missed in my backpack and handed it to her. She smiled at me again. I think that's our better way of communicating.

Gabbie: ok ok you gave her her homework and you said hi , you smiled, and you know she's better now leave so she can sleep.

Liza and I said bye to each other.

Gabbie showed me out the door and closed the door behind her.

Gabbie: look here dobrik I know you like her it's no secret and for anyone that doesn't know is an idiot because you do a really bad job at hiding it. And I swear if you break her heart I will f...ing find you and f...ing snap your braces in half. She has had plenty of bad stuff happen to her and currently happening to her she doesn't need another. So either be good to her and date her or just be a good friend and help her. But any bad to her I'll do bad to you. Got it?

At that point I was frozen. I nodded my head yes and me heart was racing I was scared. I slowly backed away from Gabbie with an understanding.

I guess I'll just see them tomorrow. And hopefully won't have my braces snapped in half.


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