Chapter 3

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Just as my finger touched the strings, I heard footsteps running toward us. My best friend came panting toward us and said, "Someone is going home!"
"But this is the moment!" I whispered back.
"Do you want to get caught?"  Madison hissed.
"Okay fine," I sighed and turned to the boy in front of me, "I got to go."
"But, wait! I still don't know who you are!" Oliver cried out as I started running toward the exit.


Madison stepped on the accelerator of her car to the highest speed. I quickly climbed out of the car when we reached and ran to the door of my house. I shouted out 'Thank you' to her and quickly shut the door and ran to my room to change into my usual outfit when I work. I quickly went to search for a mop to look like I'm working, made my apron looks dirty just in time as Victoria and my stepsisters came in the front door.
"Sophia!" Victoria yelled.
"Yes?" I replied, walking toward them.
"Oh, good, you're home. I think I'm going to throw up... Sophia, help me," Victoria clutched her stomach as I walked toward her to help her get to the bathroom.

Before I went to bed, I face-time with Madison while braiding my brown hair. "He's so cute up close!" I told her as I giggled.
"Uh huh. So, he likes you right?" Madison smiled.
"I don't know... he said he likes my voice."
"Aw, he likes you!"
"So when are you going to tell him it was you?"
"I don't know, maybe I will snuck one of my records into his bag."


After a long weekend of working, it was soon Monday. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and I quickly get ready. As I was packing my bag, I reached for one of my best song that was recorded into a CD and put it in my brown, worn-out bag. I went down to make breakfast and soon, we were going to school. Of course, I'm not riding to school with them in their Mercedes Benz, but my best friend's cheap, orange jeep.
"Hey, girl!" Madison chirped.
"Hey, Maddie," I replied.
"Are you really going to do it?" She asked, curious.
I nodded, "Yep. It's in my bag," I pointed to my bag.
"I'm so excited!"


I walked out of my English class to find Madison waiting for me. "Where is his locker?" I asked her.
She started to walk, "Follow me."
"How do you know where it is?" I asked her as I started to jog, keeping up with her big pace.
"I guess I'm a secret spy."
"You are?"

We reached a locker that was decorated with music notes all over it. I quickly find my CD and slides it into the hole of the locker. "Mission accomplished!" I high-five Madison.
"Now let's go and eat lunch!" She rubbed her tummy, "I'm getting hungry." I chuckled at my weird, but awesome best friend.


I got home from school to find Victoria making a phone call. After she was done talking, she called me over to talk to her. "Sophia," She hissed at me, "This guy, Oliver Chase, just called me and said how he likes your CD. Now I told him that it wasn't yours, it's Stella," Victoria explained and I got a feeling I won't like where this is going.
"But she can't sing to save herself," I said, knowing how horrible and off-key the two girls sound. Stella was even worst than Bella, my other stepsister.
"Oh, but you can." Victoria's lip turned into a smirk.


I would like to dedicate this chapter to iBwittney for her encouragement and amazing-made cover!

I N S T A G R A M : @marquiseire

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